I thought the long back scar he had when he rose in the sewer was still pretty fudged up.
I thought the long back scar he had when he rose in the sewer was still pretty fudged up.
Just give me the creatures Toro, just give me the creatures.
A.I.M. vs S.H.I.E.L.D.!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet it's Ultimate Galactus that could come and it would be translated better(if they don't find a good translation to the purple).
Looks nice.
Oh Iron, you my fav waifu.
All the binary profanity that had to be cut off, all that profanity.
I hope curiosity doesn't kill a cat.......It's late, I am sick, and I just hope it lands ok!
So he is technically making all the Elseworlds that should be running in the new 52?
So they are going to re-name the movie to THE HOBO?
For some reason I feel that NBC is going to destroy this footage.......For some reason.....
Kawaii from hell!
Damn nature, you horny.
If Papo y Yo has a bitchin soundtrack, it would be perfect for your sister's next routine.
Hey, what are the thoughts on the New Ben 10 show?
The robot head gets rebooted(I think) and then falls in love with the dead guy(remember the episode when the head tries to destroy the Earth cause the dead dude would still survive?).
I think F2P is good if there is a balance between the people who pay subscriptions and people who would pay for additional things just to progress.
Give me ILM, Guillermo Del Toro's Make Up Crew, Make Up Classes, and a good photo studio with bitchin camera to take multi retakes, and it is on!