
All she did - literally all she did - was sign a licensing royalty contract with Colourpop for a tube of lip gloss, after getting surgery to enhance her lips, and imply the kits were responsible. That’s it!She signed her name to the makeup they already produced. That’s the extent of her involvement.

Isn’t it funny how Step #1 in all of these success stories is to be born to wealthy parents? You’d almost think that was an advantage or something. 

He probably had a bunch of trusts. Trusts remain private and you don’t file those documents unless they become subject of litigation. A lot of wealthy people use trusts in lieu of wills to avoid probate and having to make public their finances and who received what.

I have INJURED myself taking off my sports bra by punching myself in the mouth as I struggled with a form-fitting garment designed to basically never come off once it gets sweaty. Name one thing men routinely wear that can cause injuries. And I didn’t even get into blisters from high heels, that thing when a pencil

Logically I should be mad about this, but I am totally ready to accept whatever stupid comic-booky bullshit excuse they use to bring the ONLY non-sucking Steve Trevor back.

I don’t care how, and I don’t care why. I’m here for it

He was a complex man. He said certain things that I found very offensive, but he also was extremely honest about his own struggles and failings. I got the impression he was a man who was trying very hard to be a better person.

Has anyone pointed out yet that Ariana Grande and Skinny Whatshisface look like the baby version of JLo and Marc Anthony?

Thank you all for filling this comment stream with so much love, understanding and support. I made the mistake of wandering onto some comments on Facebook. People were cruel and judgemental. I suffer from depression and anxiety and lost my dear brother to depression. Judgmental comments are so hard to read. Thank you

Dammit Jason, I thought you were one of the good ones

The worst part isn’t the fit criticism, but the “Kate won” comment. She’s needlessly pitting women against each other.

That photo of Kitty Spencer looks like something off the cover of a romance novel. She is stunning.

This makes me happy as well, though as a commercial real estate attorney, I’m genuinely curious about how the landlord did this...

Yes. That is literally Azalea Banks entire existence.

For the record, the stand out songs on this album IMO are the following:

I think it’s important to acknowledge, though, that her decision about preventative care was made in the context of her being 76 years old. It seems ludicrous to her to continue with mammograms at her age, based on the cost benefit analysis of the likelihood of cancer and the hard truths about treatment. I didn’t see

hmm, that lede pic — I’d say Miranda burns relationships and uses the ash to create a *perfect* smoky eye (see how I’m both current and topical with my comments)

“Can’t turn a coke head into a father! Yeahhh buddy.”

Everyone knows feminism is about policing women’s public representation of themselves, right?

Erin, words cannot express the depth of admiration I have for this piece. It's such a beautiful, touching love letter from runner to spectator, and the deftness with which you handle it is truly amazing. You tell it from the runner's perspective without making it all about the runner, which is where a lot of people