
It’s possible the average person in your circles understands and follows trade policy, but you’d be hard pressed to find someone from...say my hometown, that understands the impact of trade policy. They are mainly angry that the “American Dream” that they envisioned for themselves requires considerable effort and


I was an organizer in Michigan. Obama alums were on the HRC campaign. That’s really all I will say. If anything, I think we underestimated the radicalization of white men and that white woman would vote race over gender. Let’s move forward.

I’m so sorry. I hope they find some treatments that bring you relief.

Your year WAS bad. I use this username on all platforms, so if you’re on Twitter, find me! I didn’t do grief counseling, I stuck with my therapist, but do think there’s a lot of good in talking to people who’ve been through it. I have found grief to be very isolating. One day at a time.

Thank you.

They were diagnosed with cancer the same week in 2013. My dad with “intermediate” prostate cancer (thanks to Agent Orange exposure) and my mom with small-cell lung cancer (the kind heavy smokers usually get - my mom had not touched a cigarette since 1976 - gene mutations just suck.)

Total hugs to you. I lost my mom and dad to cancer last year, so I feel I can relate to your grief.

Totally agree. Mind saying what you have? I have frontal fibrosing alopecia, which sounds very similar to what you’re describing...


My parents died of cancer late last year, 27 days apart. They were diagnosed the same week in 2013. Cancer is a fucking beast. Every time I see a headline that says someone “lost their battle” I want to call their editorial staff and give them an earful. It’s not a fair fight. My parents were otherwise very healthy,

I think of that debate ALL THE TIME. It was unbelievable. I’ll be washing my dishes and randomly remember “malarkey” and will positively SNICKER.

Me, in my Wonder Woman bathing suit on the cover of my hometown newspaper in maybe 1980. Forced out of the pool for adult swim. NOT HAPPY.

Is your other weird condition hair-related!?

Are your barely-there eyebrows linked to a history of plucking, or completely out of the blue? I have frontal-fibrosing alopecia, a relatively “new” development in pre-menopausal women. It’s wiped out all my arm hair and is eating my hairline and eyebrows. Such fun! Maybe look it up and see if you have any of the

“Can you imagine how much it costs to HEAT that place?” was something both my mom and dad often pondered. I imagine that’s not very important in California, but in the Midwest it’s serious business.

Now playing

I think you’re referring to Freedom! ‘90 when you say “that video,” which makes sense because it’s the greatest video of all time. You’re right, Tyra was not in that (Linda, Naomi, Christy, Cindy, and Tatjana were) but she was in the Too Funky video.

I feel like you have inside knowledge and I’m glad I’m here for it. While I kinda wish he would have dropped out weeks ago, I’m supportive of this strategy.

You’re very kind - thank you.

My mom, who died in December, had a picture of Hillary being sworn in as Secretary of State with her quote “Let me say this, hypothetically speaking, I really do hope that we have a woman president in my lifetime.” on her vanity mirror. So...I’m sharing your emotions.