
While I concur it totally doesn't show true version to the next version. I think it shows a rough draft of the features coming into it on time-lapse. I don't care, the video in and of it's self is great.

Well your not as crazy as Crazy Dave but yeah it is.

Also, not to throw more logs into the fire here, but didn't they "Technically" spin-off Call of Duty Zombies into their own games? on Android and iOS?

Ya know... I stopped buying Call of Duty after Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but those maps and particularly the Zombie's WWII/Pacific Rim/Big Guy & Rusty thingy they got going on looks off-the-fucking-hook good times.

This made the fuck outta my day. And I'm an old timer Pokemon player didn't even know half these fucking new ones.

Wow that's crazy didn't know that And I played the crap outta Conviction too.

This is why Cliff is awesome. Nuff fucking said.

Really? Like Sam passes then by? Akin to what occurred in the Chaos Theory story?

True. AC3's controls worked. But what didn't was those controls interacting reactively to the environment. I finished it pre-all the patches that allegedly fixed it. But I can understand you not slogging through it. But yeah, Controls only stand to get better with sequels in general. Hell look at Cyrsis 1-3 and how

Indeed. I suppose they could Retconn that too...

I think anyone who saw the Indie Game movie will attest, that regardless of if you fall on Fish is right or Fish is wrong. The amount of, talk, jabber, camera work, and story editing about the actual scene is suspicious at best. Either he is a Steve Jobs persona gaming developer or just a guy whose had too many stones

In all fairness to Metal Gear Solid series, on the controls I think we are forgetting how lame some of the controls where for Splinter Cell 1-2 at least MGS was constantly crap... Well minus the retcon done on MGS2-4's controls after the first main game release. It's one thing that I think the Assasin'a Creed series

I think Keifer is the best part, But that still doesn't mean its something you should watch. Only if your bored and its on Netflix. However the PS2 24 game was not bad at all. But no I'm still not down for him voicing Snake. Hell it would have made more sense for him to be Sam.

No because clearly they threw him into a Lazerus pit to regen him. Hence the new voice and look.


True true... but we all know Archer and Kestral couldn't have been in more then one Co-op game.....

Well the funny thing I observed was since 24 came AFTER Splinter Cell 1 each Season 1-3 of them of 24 closely mirrored major events in Splinter Cell's 1-3 I swear go back and play the games if you don't believe me... but you may be better off wiki-ing 24 you don't need to subject yourself to that much bad writing.

Oooohhhh shit son! Makes sense *head nods agreeingly*

Capital idea!

My theory? Deb caves gives Dex up to the police, Dex runs, Vogul KILLS Deb so she can re-aim Dexter at her "Killer" *Which may as well just turn out to be her, Jordon Chase style she gets others to kill for her* Dexter kills Vogul. BUT Batista kills Dexter dead. Series ends with Batista hearing Dexter say he's sorry