very true Nizkus, VNs not for everyone and FSN game requires some INTENSE reading! If the first three episodes of the anime can't get the interest of someone, it's clearly not for him.
very true Nizkus, VNs not for everyone and FSN game requires some INTENSE reading! If the first three episodes of the anime can't get the interest of someone, it's clearly not for him.
yeah blackraen is right, watch the 2006 Fate/Stay Night first, and everything will eventually make sense. FSN is in more of a high-school setting where the characters deal with their everyday life and whatnot. As you can already imagine, it's much more fun and more comedic. So it amazed me to find out how dark…
not the best time to say this, but if you're looking for a good community, come to Brynhildr :)
oh dear i forgot to reply! so sorry! My in-game name is Julie Easter, i'm a WHM :)
as so, just a minute ago, i started the game at Brynhildr:)
thanks all for the reply, will definitely try out those servers before i settle down on one. Thank you :)
just story in the trailer itself already put GTA's story to shame... imo
So what's the best server to play in now? I'm looking forward to start anew and hopefully i can find a good and friendly english-speaking community..
Sorry but i have to disagree with FF3 being the last in the list. Having finished the first three installments (played the 4th one for two hours and haven't even touched the 5th game) I can easily rank the third game as the first in my list if not a tie with FF2.
nice boat!
wow its really nice knowing there are people out there who actually think like me, cheers mate
I'm quite sure you aren't getting paid by Atlus to write this, but man, you just made me decided to buy this game next month! Atlus should thank you :P
cant wait for Giant Bomb's endurance run for this! Gotta be fun :)
it's a 2004 Stephen Chow movie called kung fu hustle. That's jut one small part of the awesomeness of that movie!
resubscribed to ARR and just turned white Mage today, will probably stick on that game for the time while trying to get stuff at work done.
is that Matsuko Deluxe at the upper right hand corner?
N-No cats...? :(
I hope FF15 doesn't get "redesigned" for another 5 years due to this claim...