Thank you a lot! I've always wanted to pick up this skill, and since i'll be taking some programming courses for my Uni studies, this should be helpful!
Thank you a lot! I've always wanted to pick up this skill, and since i'll be taking some programming courses for my Uni studies, this should be helpful!
As a non-native english speaker, here are my problems when it comes to reading (be it english or those in my native language). First, the price. A typical US novel sells like 10USD, which is equivalent to more than 10 lunch meals, or a bottle of decent wine. And the salary we're getting paid from a 9 to 5 job isn't…
this reminds me of cordyceps, which targets jungle insects to take control of their body and lead the body to a place where it can suck up enough nutrition to generate more spores. There's an upcoming game called The Last of Us that features this kind of deadly fungi growing in human body.
which movie again?
I was completely sold for the Jazz that played throughout the game, I remember the first time i heard it at the Main Menu, "it's like the first time i heard The Beatles".
Definitely Deus if you want something sophisticated and challenging. But if you want to be entertained, go for Batman.
I still can't get over this trailer...
Yes i do agree that 2011 is a year of sequels, and their disappointments
No, I don't think so, but redsn0w claims that they're working hard on it
I backed up and synced my ipad before i jailbroke the device, after the updating and jailbreaking, just sync and restore back with iTunes (you'll be prompted after upgrade) and most things are there. Though i still dunno why some apps are missing (some are even free apps)
I think Uncharted's burning chateau is simply the best moment in that game, the ending chapters are rather anti-climatic, especially he desert chapters...
Respect Dave, you're blessed with the courage to take on that profession. I wish nothing but the best in your career!
damn that's so sad, really sorry to hear that my friend. if i live close we might got wasted!
I'm in too! Watched it months ago and am going to do it again! It's amazing what a short trailer can do :D
Do the songs play an important part of The Hobbit? Everyone seems happy that they adapted the songs...
Nice trailer!
haters gonna hate. I like what i saw, Team Ninja is lives up to its name
not to me, i kinda liked that version of PoP, though it's very identical to Assassin's Creed...
i found this somewhere but it isn't as good as this one