
I think it has to do with my personal health or something within my optical nerves have shifted or developed its form as a grow up. Remember the big-hit Max Payne? I had had not problems completing the game, not even a second of sickness. But a few years later, when i was about 16, i replayed and that's the first time

I appreciate the effort, but this article is somewhat harsh and no one deserves a break-up or heartbreak... it's too pain...

I gotta give credit to this! Thank you for the list, might be handy in a couple of years ;)

The thing that caught my attention was ACR's PC version is releasing along-side with the consoles'. Now that is something worth taking note, esp when then previous entries are late for that platform and PC's ACB multiplayer is technically worse than the other two

i really like those terminologies heh

And yet they still bother to develope a sequel to FF13 and release it sooner than FFv13. I'm starting to think that maybe FF13-2 is just to make more time for them to waste on FFv13; also, of course, to please fans that they have at least an FF to buy every 1 or 2 years.

what, really? she is? The marketing manager or something?


20-30 years? Serve them right. I wouldn't feel even a bit of sympathy if they're put to life-sentence, in fact, while I don't fully agree on death penalty as it makes us all blood-thirsty thus falling almost into the same category as those mentioned up there, i humbly think that life-sentence is the best law can do

That ad idea was pretty thrilling Kirk; I think it would also be nice to see the male Shepard engaging in a tight gunfight, and female shep comes in to save him - all backed with a little slowmo and dramatic music. Sounds cliched but can't think of anything productive now...

that is be a temporary solution, but things will get brighter and more "flickering" if you know what i mean. I experienced the same thing when i used my standard TV, just like yours, to play Folklore. Guess developers now are starting to give up on standard definition...

have you tried setting the TV output to 480p? It's a silly suggestion but just to make sure...

Exactly; being in a relationship myself, i found this game went really deep into human emotions and integrity. It makes you care for the characters in there. There's a reason why I can't put down the controller once I started the game.

I can feel you, even with the Undo option enabled in easy mode, things still get frustrating at times. Yeah i'm talking about the 5th night... *shivers*

This game's went totally out of my expectations and i'm liking every second of it. It's been a while since a video game has put me on the chair for more than 3 hours; I'm very much thrilled.

I STRONGLY recommend you wait for weiss schwarz portable, coming to the PSP this november (jap). I'm addicted to its TCG and can't wait for the game!

Hah, those were the days eh?

ah she's sooo lovely =)

if they did that out of passion, or wanted to earn a throne at cdsociety, i'll have to give them credit for what i saw cause it's NOT easy...

Kupo's voice bothers me a lot... bah will buy it anyway...