Wouldn't there be some concern of poorer players losing too much blood?
Wouldn't there be some concern of poorer players losing too much blood?
The Delta Emerald may be part of a Legendary release for a movie or something. Kind of like Diancite, maybe? Maybe it will give Rayquaza its Primal Evolution, or something.
Already got my favorite ;)
I always wondered: What's with the bubble...thing...around Gallade's waist? Is that supposed to parody some form of Duelist's attire or something?
Maybe they'll give him a "genuine" primal form with an Emerald remake? /shrug
Game: Starcraft: Brood War
Ahhh, okay. So then, who are the newbies?
Can't help but note that all of them have their names on the box - except fire and earth. Wonder if they have some new heroes coming in.
Heh, been saying this for years...
His smile makes me wonder if he didn't just unleash robotic kittens with bombs strapped to them on public transit hubs.
Seen this before.
Probably Whiteout, just cuz it's such a distinct departure from the norm. Pitch Black 1 was pretty good too, but they never brought it back.
Last sour Mt. Dew flavor they released to my recollection was Pitch Black 2, which was obscenely foul. Here's hoping they don't fuck this up too.
STAT | 44% – The percentage of broadband households that use a game console to stream video; that's the most common device for streaming, far exceeding the 20% for Smart TVs or the 12% for DVRs.
According to the Kickstarter page, it never got the funding it needed.
Ever play Zero Mission, where she has to use her Zero Suit? When in her armor, she Morph Balls instead of crawling cuz its hella faster, drops bombs, can crawl up walls, and leap 7-8 times its height.
I always thought they cut out the transformations to make them easier to play/play against. You know, like making it so you don't have to remember two movesets at once, or remember how to counter both at the drop of a hat. Also, I remember reading that most players only ever stuck with one form or the other anyways…
After pirating it to try it out, I finally got a legit copy of Dead Space 3 (I'm late, I know). I'm waiting for my friend to play through DS2 so we can co-op together, while working through single-player yet again.