Here's hopin' that he works the battle theme(s) at some point.
Here's hopin' that he works the battle theme(s) at some point.
If Los Angeles is an MMORPG, Barstow is the MMOG that's nearing it's death. Everything is stretched out for fast-travel means, but it's enormously empty. The only people you meet are A) the ones just passing through, trying things out, B) the diehards who were here from the beginning and refuse to let go, and C) The…
Yeah, it's kind of a cheap shot, but I couldn't resist...
As much as I prefer Paper Mario from the Polygon Era (Seriously, you bring up Quest 64 but don't mention Paper Mario? The shame...), the 16-bit era did more for the genre than any other era - both in terms of defining the genre, and refining what had already been established. Final Fantasy 6 is a true classic, and…
The artwork makes me think of Samurai Jack. This is not a bad thing.
Homeless_Zombie — or giving me nightmares
This is how.
Greninja was one of my favorites this gen. Now I'll be able to make Battletoads jokes in yet another game. Also totally thought Tiki was Terra Brantford from FF6 >.>
Oh HELL Yes.
Oh heavens I want this thing right the fuck now.
This reminds me of the end to Gundam SEED, when Le Creuset died. Sure, he was essentially revenge-killed/got what he deserved/whatever, and sure his plan failed, but he didn't know that. In his very last moments, you can tell by his expression, he (thought he) got what he wanted and died happily, despite being a…
Welcome to the Uncanny Valley.
That's an unfair comparison. Everyone knows, nothing can beat Goat Simulator.
This, I can agree with, although I would still say Bravely Default would be better here, simply because its mechanics are more akin to older Final Fantasy titles - I feel it serves as a gateway of sorts, allowing those new players to acclimate to the mechanics, so they can enjoy older classics. But, that's simply a…
Yes; to also clarify, it was not sales I was referring to, so much as public reception at the time, which I recall being very negative.
This is pretty much what I'm hoping. That they'll stop worrying about outselling their last game, or making tons of money, and go back to just making great games.
I think I may have been inaccurate in saying "Flop", though I can't think of a more accurate word offhand. While critics liked it, and it sold well, I think its most memorable feature would still be the ever-infamous "Hallway", yes? I don't think they ever released a game before -or since - that was so widely reviled…
I'll have to keep that one in mind.