
Wow..definitely going to play the game again.

Serena sexy? Im not drunk enough for that....

Best way to evade the police: Drive into a spray shop and in 5seconds youll lose your wanted levels.

Zelda Orcarina of Time theme song...

The first thing i always do in Portal is make an infinite loop :D

Challenge Accepted!

But now that Angry birds are on almost every system, Tyson has a lot of work in front of him lol

I was expecting a punch in the face...smacking the ipad entertained me still.

What the hell are AR game cards? lol

Never played Prey but i think its about time.

Im happy i never gave this guy my money. Downloaded the game and got bored in 10min.

I'll probably buy it for ps3 since you get the pc version aswell. Valve <3

A multiplayer is a plus for me in games. I dont only buy games based on multiplayer. Mass effect series is a good example and oblivion. Both games offered a lot of replay value and while playing the games, i never missed multiplayer. Games like CoD offer a multiplayer gameplay that is way better than singleplayer. I

Ah well, it seems i need to stock up on some drugs to enjoy this game.

This game is awesome! The xray moves you can do are exactly like in the trailer!

Nice man! I just finished my final exam and about to go pick it up.

This is considered news? :/

DLC and game release on the same day...Such bastards for not including it in the game already.