Google Me? Love it! Its catchy!
Google Me? Love it! Its catchy!
I think i just came. .
I hate to say it...Asians cant drive. True story: Everytime an accident almost happened with me was with an Asian behind the wheel
@HallaEks: Omg i cant believe ive never seen that.
@Moonshadow Kati: Epic Win!
Chuck norris doesnt do Push ups, he pushs the earth down.
Are those blueberries? wtf is this drink. lol
Where do i sign up to be the next test rider? :D
Implement levels like this but dont tell us about them. Make us believe that a shit storm will happen at any moment.
"Ah! We've been discovered Johnson! Step on it!"
wtf did i just listen to? My ears are still bleeding
Theres nothing better than buying a brand new game and ripping the seal. It's like christmas every time :D
White washed asians, thats why hes accepted. lol
Fluke, do it again! lol jks. That was sick!
No one is save now!
Tea is greater than coffee.
Starcraft 5? Not even in your grankids kids dreams lol
Eminem is CoD im assuming based on how much money the game has made lol.