
Hahaha I don’t need to prove anything man, the burden of proof lies with the one making claims, which you can’t because your talking about personal opinions and feelings and that’s fine, I’m not saying that your feelings aren’t strong, but seriously dude chill with your holier than thou attitude, you don’t have the

That’s a nice strawman you’ve built.

You know you can’t just SAY that your opinion is 100% pure super duper invincible logic and therefore it is so. That isn’t how logic and/or truth work. It’s okay to just say “This is my opinion, this is how I feel” There isn’t any need to overreach and pretend like you have all of the answers.

False Equivalence, I don’t think it’s hypocritical to have different feelings regarding the death of a child and the death of an adult who knowingly and consistently spewed hatred and bigotry out of every orifice he was able to. 

lol they aren’t acting entitled, they were more than happy to do run the legacy servers themselves, and then Blizzard told them to stop and implied before that they had no intention of doing legacy servers until recently saying they might POSSIBLY MAYBE do it at some point in the future.

I don’t get hating accents, it’s just the way people talk.

The answer is Pokemon lore is a mess that has never made any sense ever.

uhhhh probably not considering they are roughly 3/4's of the way to their goal. I mean don’t get me wrong it’ll still be years most likely, that’s the nature of weekly serials in a comic format. Also their’s way more going on then JUST the mystery of what the One Piece actually is, there are mysteries he’s hinted at

Welp it’s a videogame site talking about Resident Evil, so time for a swathe of comments about which Resident Evil games are/are not Resident Evily enough.

I feel the opposite way, where all stupid reaching nonsense video game discussion sounds like matpat to me.

People say this every gen. “POKEMON IS OUT OF IDEAS” people cry every damn time. How about moving on from Pokemon if you think it’s so bad now, there’s like thousands of other video games out there.

This is a handy list, but it could be even more handy if the individual release dates were listed as well, at least on the ones that have solid release dates.

I’ve always been of the opinion that if theory based musings can be summed up with “No.” Then they aren’t really that valuable or interesting. All power to those who find this guys stuff entertaining, but I can’t stand it. It just feels like he really likes the sound of his own voice and so found away to both say

Of their time? Those games were junk the day they were released and looked terrible by any standard.

I got my copy of Earthbound at a Thirft Store for 5 bucks. It’s the most lucky score I’ve EVER gotten from a thrift store.

This show sounds dumb as fuck.

More like how to make loosely cobbled freakish Frankensteins of programing that also sometimes resemble functioning video games.

Bethesda does have strengths, but solid world design and efficient programing are not them.

Actually I can kind of believe them on this. FF7’s backgrounds were INCREDIBLY detailed and lively. (As lively as prerendered background get anyways) if this is the way they feel they can keep all of that detail intact, that I’m okay with it. Besides even if it is episodic, everybody should already realize that it’s

Issues in the game industry on how to treat females (like actual people and not weird blow up dolls.)

That last bit in the article sounds dangerously close to genwunner “Pokemon is running out of ideas” nonsense.