Imo the worst Mega is Mega Heracross. It looks derpy and terrible.
Imo the worst Mega is Mega Heracross. It looks derpy and terrible.
Of course, getting outright beaten and getting spanked are different. How does that make spanking NOT child abuse though? Does abuse really have to go all the way to the most extreme to count as actual abuse? That I think is the real delusion that people have.
If you as a responsible adult, strike a child because you…
So wait, your argument is that it's still done today...and that makes it okay? Haha that's...not a very compelling argument, nor is "Sometimes kids just need to be spanked because because"
Ah yes, beating children. Teaching them to avoid doing dumb things through fear sure sounds like good parenting to me. Oh wait no it doesn't Sounds like exchanging one kind of terrible parenting for another.
Well I guess being bored with games is what happens when you found a company which solely makes boring manipulative games.
I played this game for a day, and then got really mad at myself for wasting any time with this garbage. It's not a good game.
When was the last time we were given a unique control method with a console? A year ago when the Wii U came out. I'm not saying the Game Pad is the best thing either, but don't pretend that other things haven't come out.
I disagree 100%. I think it would be far lesser a piece without the interactivity aspect. Every time I've played and seen someone else play the interactivity between the two players had a different context and pace and form their own little narrative. It was super neat to observe and absolutely my favourite aspect to…
fair nuff.
Really? I could have sworn digital is the exact same as physical only you don't get a physical disc and it takes up a bunch of room on your hard drive and yet for some reason most times on consoles it costs the exact same as a physical copy. I don't hate digital, but when given the choice and the price is the same,…
It's been looked into THOROUGHLY. The Media just keeps ignoring every single study that doesn't find a link.
I like how now that Fox has done their own special on the link between violence and gaming that now they're even MORE black and white about it being the cause.
I refuse to believe that Bonestorm came out in a generation where Iphones are a thing. The Simpsons is even MORE messed up when it comes to time. The should have either let the series end. or had one or two timeskips to keep things fresh, either way as it is, The Simpsons makes no sense anymore and is pretty stale…
I can tell you why. Because Ampharos and it's family are the cutest little lizard sheeps anyone ever did see.
Were you expecting Kingdom Hearts III, announced at this year's E3, to come at some point in the near future? Maybe even around the same time as Final Fantasy XV, also announced (or, re-announced) at this year's E3? EXPECT NO MORE.
If you know this is a pattern, why don't you just...NOT buy the original version?
You'd think, but we've seen companies consider 6 million copies sold a failure before.
The point of a reboot should be giving a classic a modern spin. That won't always mean better, even in terms of good reboots it usually just means different.
It wasn't the initial strip that really got people pissed, it was how they handled it afterwards, which they did a poor and insensitive job of, I don't think their is any denying that.
Haha at first when you said "I don't see the need to get both" in my head I was like "Yeah there really isn't any need to get a 360 when the PS3 has so many great exclusive games you can't get on the 360 whereas all the 360 has is pretty much Halo, Gears and Forza going it for it in terms of exclusive franchises.