That's good to know. MGDMT is one of the best comics out, but this storyline has been dragging on for too long.
That's good to know. MGDMT is one of the best comics out, but this storyline has been dragging on for too long.
I doubt it. Well, I can see that "me gusta" face showing up a bit, but I don't think a simple displeased Totilo beats the goofy and versatile Owen with sleeping bag outfit and wheel barrow.
The Dreamcast was a huge success, just not enough to overcome the staggering debt Sega accumulated in previous years. I'm not sure if the Sega brand has enough cache these days, but the company still is putting out great games albeit far less than it used to when it had a single console to focus on. I do wish…
You can. Just press X on the payment screen.
Hmm... Since you're taking out all the side quests, I'd say it's probably about the same length, maybe still just a bit shorter. Going through my achievement history, I earned my first achievement on June 11, 2009 and completed the game four days later with just a handful of time and combo achievements left to finish.
The whining came from people who could not understand that Elika saving you from falling is the game's death screen. People complaining that it was easy since you "didn't die" are the same kinds of idiots going on how shooters (the proper, arcade kind) are "too short" since you can just barge through it like a sponge…
Same with the PSP Go's ability to remote connect to a PS3 to stream music and movies from the console over the Internet via WiFi. It's a wonderful feature no one knows about since no one owns a PSP Go.
No, not lately. The last I saw was a demo showing the Kinect moves in the cockpit (coming out by standing and such), so I assumed the game was played entirely in gestures. This is nice to see. Wish more games took advantage of Kinect like this.
I'm surprised this even exists since I thought Microsoft canned any Kinect game which wasn't completely hands free. Is this a change in policy, allowing developers to use props and perhaps even other controllers with Kinect, or was that policy just overstated?
It's because Americans are the only people capable of wielding weapons of mass destruction in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I dunno. It should be noted that both the DS and PSP started out slow. It would seem that few developers jump on early enough for whatever reason to ensure good games are ready out the gate. I would think the pattern will hold and Vita will be fine as well, but the concern is that Western consumers didn't buy PSP…
No games. Gravity Rush is all I'm interested in. I'm sure games will come in time, but if they trickle out as slowly as they did for PSP, then US adoption would be expected to be slow.
Based upon...?
Nah, and she physically was perfect for the role, though for all the press she got here, I never knew much about the game itself beyond "cheerleader killing zombies."
The jokes don't touch on the subtle innuendos of No More Heroes like how Travis charged up his beam katana
"Hey Kotakushop, we got your favorite thing — disappointment!"
It means that the artist thinks splotchy breasts are worth $800.
That's interesting. I recall when Sony updated the ToS some time back, I refused to accept and could not log onto PSN. This also blocked me from using Netflix as well. Basically, any attempt at an on-line connection was negated until I ticked off the box to accept the revised terms of whatever firmware update Sony was…
That's happened to me as well. I don't care since I let it lapse just for that reason, but I'm still surprised to see it active a decade later, alternating over the years between one of those lame generic ad-based "portal" pages and a simple "buy this domain" message.
Same. I think Last Blade 2 is the best SNK fighter save maybe Garou, but Last Blade lacks Poppy.