
This is true. "Tire" it is. :^)

Gawker gets a lot of flack, generally deserved and typically for being sensationalistic. This does spill into Kotaku at times, and Kotaku itself has its share of gaffs which certainly drag down the site's reputation with readers and abroad. Still, as you know, the community is pretty excellent. I still hate the

Denton beget Joel.

It's pretty disconcerting to read that, but I suppose that kind of thinking helps when rising up the Denton ladder. I've never seen an organization seemingly hate or devalue its audience as much as Gawker does.

I wish I could say I misspelled it on purpose a la "tyre," but I really have no idea where that came from. :p

Candy's the reason god made armor breaking possible.

Floating ghost head is creepy.

Quite a few games did video game crossovers before SNK gave it a shot.

Hey, did you get a Saturn RGB cable? Just a heads up for something I overlooked: while SCART includes audio information, you're likely not going to have a way to pull the audio if you're using a simple scaler as I am. It worked fine for my X'Eye since it has separate RCA audio outputs, but the Saturn lacks that. I was

The rest of the world drives on the left side of the rode, too. Crazy.

I've since downloaded replays to see the last couple of levels. I can enjoy watching experts play, but cheesing through with infinite credits isn't fun for me. I'm no scrub exactly, but I'm far from a shooter god. I can take the first three levels just fine without dying, but then my brain melts from all the bullets

Mega Man 9 (and presumably 10... I bought but have not played it yet) are good games. I just think doing an 8-bit style game is cheap and odd considering Mega Man 7 and 8 got a visual upgrade, without even considering the X series. Worse is that Capcom saddled these visually cheap efforts with DLC on top of that.

Not really. A game I love, I'm going to play start to finish. I still need to beat that stupid cheap final boss in Prinny, but I can't say I love the game. I do love Trials HD, and I guess I can consider not having yet completed the Ultimate Endurance test yet as not beating it entirely, but that's more me waving the

and to try going for the diversity by making him half black and half latino. why cant he be full black or full latino

Yeah, I know. It was just a bad joke.

I love that the Family RESEARCH Organization involves no research

So that's who she is supposed to be. Never finished playing Dragon Age. Yeah, she's pretty.

Happy Discount Candy Day! I tried to hold back this year, so this isn't much of a haul. The main thing was to get a good amount of those bubble gum eggs which are amazing and cheap, even prior to flying Jesus ($1 then; 50¢ now). I was hoping to find more Biblical marshmallow crucifixes, but there was only one left. :/

"I saw children, some as young as 12, their hands mangled from the repetition of being forced to plant seeds to ward off zombies."

It could be a steamer. I have a steamer. Maybe she leaves it on to steam her clothes and linens, letting it just heat up the room since she's lazy. It'd explain the nudity. It'd also explain why her mother's shirt looks pressed just from entering the room.