
Or Astroman! :^)

This is true. I think the big problem for XBL going forward is maintaining its policy on charging users for updates and all the red tape developers need to go through to get releases on the platform. It my not be impacting the company much now, but it will become on and should be addressed soon to ensure XBL remains

It's definitely not going to be treasure. We've already had a city of gold in Enel's arc. Treasure would be cheap.

There's a clear purpose, set out from the start, which is for Luffy to become the new pirate king. Likewise, this involves the eventual overthrowing of the world government. Each crewperson has his/her own goals as well as a reason for joining the Straw Hats.

XBLIG is doing fine and well. Games on it routinely outsell ports on Desura and other indie venues (save Steam). It's not hidden away, either, and has been mostly equal to the other digital game offerings (for all the whining about being buried on the dashboard, all games, XBLA included, were just as buried).

Terrorists win.

Barriers? You, right now, can make an Xbox 360 game thanks to XBLIG. You're not going to get much more open than that. While PC is open as a hardware platform, Steam is not. By and large, you will not sell PC games unless you're on Steam, which is invite only.

XBLA has been too successful to not have this as an option. Hell, given the relative unpopularity of the original Xbox, it's excellent that Microsoft sough to support it as much as it did. I doubt the company is going to go with something so out of left field that backwards compatibility would be a problem. At worst,


"It stinks!"

That sounds nice, but in a free roam world, it's just weird for someone so integral to the plot to vanish like that. I'd be fine with no further interaction, like you can catch her working the farm and she'd say, "Sorry, John, but I've really got to finish this" or something to that effect. It's the RPG syndrome where

Ornstein's actions amounts to a Super PAC for good plays. I've not yet seen anyone point to where in the rules would this be illegal by NFL standards. It's certainly not the image Goodell wants to present, sure, but are outside gifts to players for performance explicitly outlawed by the NFL? If I were to send Victor

One of, and to me the only real thing which makes Assassin's Creed stand out, were the historical sets used in the game. An all Desmond game would be boring, no real difference between it and any other modern/semi-future action title. He's just not an interesting character and certainly no match for his ancestors'

I hated how after Bonnie's story played out, she vanished off the face of the earth. I wanted to check up on her after she was nearly killed, but, no, back to doing errands for random people. I loved the game, but that bothered me for a while.

It seems as though Microsoft will be updating the icon graphics as well, which should be a nice boost to the featured game. Right now the graphic is from Orbitron: Revolution while last period it was I believe from Total Miner.

The original Defy Gravity was released a little more than a year ago, and was available only through Steam. Defy Gravity Extended adds more levels, content, and a price decrease.

Lin's averaging 14 pts. a game now, decent but nothing special. He's also averaging 3.5 TO per game, which is terrible given how few minutes he's had per game. I'm not looking to bash Lin because he is having a nice season, but so did Hillis in 2010. There's nothing that says Lin will continue on this pace let alone

Gives me another excuse to post this. :^)

That's akin to saying if Lin made the cover of NBA2K13 that 2K got trolled. Hillis had a fantastic year, and he got more publicity for playing out of position according to racial stereotypes. His drop off will be attributed to the Madden curse by some and while others can point to contract negotiations including poor