
I keep this mark in front of my home to keep evil-doers away.

He really seems like he genuinely loves us all back.

Ha! There’s a Trumpence sign in a yard around the corner from me. About a week ago, I was walking my dog pretty late at night and was, shall we say, a bit tipsy and my first reaction was to rip that sucker down. But my neighbors are super paranoid, even though we live in a ridiculously safe area, and there are

You mean, Wiise beyond his years...

I felt that way seeing a sex scene with nudity while watching Cold Mountain with my grandparents. My Grandmother thought it was hilarious that little Shezza was so uncomfortable.

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

Or you can wait until he gets to a certain age, probably sometime in high school, when he thinks he knows more than the old man and thinks he can take him. There’ll be some dick measuring then.

Fuck this asshole. My daughter is autistic. She has been autistic since she was born. I knew there was something different long before she got the MMR vaccine. My daughter being autistic is just who she is. She sees and processed the world differently. That’s okay. I wouldn’t change her even if I could. To me it

“We have some pills that will help. No, they’re for you parents. Yes, I really only need to give you one each, it’s K-Cyanide, no need to worry.”

She was caught spanking violently with a wooden spoon and there are pics that she kept extra wooden spoons in the car, near the couch.

I don’t watch sports and I’m a woman. Seriously, why are sports events even aired on network tv. They interrupt my reruns of The Closer and Bones. I’m being completely non-ironic here.

It may be ruining your childhood,but it is making my adulthood.


you can delete those potions and revives so you have room for more pokeballs

I made one of them based on that picture. :D

I lovvvvve watching ASMR videos when I’m going to bed. So so soothing, and I’m asleep by about 5 minutes in. If you love these inking videos, you’ll probably love other ASMR videos. Try ones by ‘GentleWhispering’ or ‘WhispersRed’ on youtube.

Why do you hate ‘live love laugh’??

Speaking of that know, I rolled my eyes at the concept of that movie, but wound up watching it and loving it. Mostly it’s that Anna Faris is adorable, Chris Evans is adorable, and they have really natural chemistry together — but all the cameos were also great too. I’ve watched it a few times now, it’s a