I have a ridiculous pet theory about autism. I share it with people randomly. I express that I have no science to back it up, really.
I have a ridiculous pet theory about autism. I share it with people randomly. I express that I have no science to back it up, really.
Oh this breaks my heart. Why does there need to be a ‘reason’ or cause? Can’t they just love him and cherish him? Being autistic doesn’t make him less human :(
You watch your mouth when you’re talking to me, I know it’s unpopular opinion but 8 is my favorite tied with 9. I don’t care if everyone in the world thinks I’m wrong, I’m right.
When my son was in kindergarten, I consistently spoke up as the parent of a kid with autism, bringing those issues into conversations, and I worried that it would mark me as the Weird Mom, but after a couple of years I saw attitudes changing among the parents.
As someone who has written, I imagine someone hovering over the publish button as they weigh up the pros and cons of getting things out there fast, and spending more time on proof reading and fact checking... before clicking the button and running off to get coffee.
Any judgement on a piece fully depends on whether…
I nearly abstained from starring this post because you had 69 stars and I am immature
I will remember that while I imagine:
PREACH. I’m that person who watches them in bed at night to go to sleep. And 3 hours later, I’m still awake, watching... Pop’s nose looks fantastic now!
Dr. Pimple Popper is my crack.
Each pet is completely unique, even the tiniest little of ones. I wouldn’t want to see the SAME animal essentially, but that wasn’t. It could never be the ‘same’ dog, so why go through the trauma of that?
You wrote exactly what I would have written if I were going to comment on this story - I’m crafty, so this appeals to me, my kid thinks it’s fun and funny, he’s not traumatized or terrorized, and we don’t read the book or do the “elf is watching and reporting back” thing. But I wasn’t going to comment, for exactly the…
We do the elf. I’m into it, I really love crafty things so this is like a holiday crafty challenge., I post some of my favourite ones on my instagram. My kid isn’t having this terrified reaction though, she usually finds it and says that Pinpin is funny.
Nope you aren’t always notified of a recall at least one woman interviewed wasn’t notified until after she gave birth. Hard to use extra protection then to prevent anything.
Welcome back to Pissing Contest where, after a brief hiatus after scaring ourselves senseless, we’re back! This…
I was taught child-first language while I was working as a special ed para, but since then I’ve heard arguments on both sides of the issue (with some saying that child-first is problematic). I’ve tried to think of it in terms of my own diagnosis - would I rather be a “bipolar woman” or “a woman with bipolar disorder”…
Thank you!!! This is what I was coming here to stay. The idea that somehow a child with autism is worse than a dead child absolutely baffles me.
I’m reading it now and it is fantastic. I knew my son was probably autistic like his father from 8 weeks old. He hated being held at all, touch appeared painful for him. When he wasn’t making eye contact, giving hugs, speaking, and lining his toy cars up in perfect order over and over by 2.5, we went to the autism…
You guys, I have hit peak old person.
this is partly why my ILs and I don’t get along.
back several years ago before I had a kiddo, I was in school full time and working 20 hrs a week besides. I left the house at 6 am and i returned around 10 pm Mon-Thurs, and I was home at 8 on fri. I worked 8-2 Sat/Sun. Cleaning the house and cooking were not my top…