People have already mentioned the fact that it's being cleared under two hours, but it also doesn't have to be done in one sittings. It saves progress for a week, so you can play for a bit and then pick it back up the next day.
People have already mentioned the fact that it's being cleared under two hours, but it also doesn't have to be done in one sittings. It saves progress for a week, so you can play for a bit and then pick it back up the next day.
I've only gotten 3 purple engrams in 15 hours played or so. I got one legendary out of it. And I couldn't even use it because it was a helmet for the warlock class.
I know I tried last year to buy on PC only to find it wasn't available and now this shipped version. Looks like I am waiting for NHL16. Sad very sad
No season mode (you can only play seasons in Be A GM, which is limited to NHL teams)
Not crucial? This is akin to releasing say Diablo 4 with no loot, one level that never changes, and you cant pick your skills. Oh and you cant play with friends. Sure, you can still kill monsters but what's the point.
Yeah. It's the cheapest way to make DLC. They're just milking the ideas of previous development teams for as much as they can. 'Sims 2 had this great thing. A really cool addition. Players loved it. Let's not include it in Sims 4 and resell it later as DLC.'
EA Sports: It's not in the game (TM)
They're not's all being saved for DLC
A 'That wizard came from the moon' original voice acting easter egg somewhere.
When people refer to characters as "waifus", I just see them as creepy and disturbing and looking at many see Motomu Toriyama, I can assume HE is the worst of them all. Given how the stories in his games are told, I also assume is malicious and anti-social in real life.
"Waifu dress simulator". I don't see Lighting as Toriyama's "waifu", more like a daughter who Toriyama verbally, physically, sexually and psychologically as abuse every second of her life while gleeing with joy 'cus Toriyama is a creepy evil incestuously abusive father.
All this guy did was take photos of the Jersey side of the Hudson. What a hack!
Oh, sure. I like what I played, and it'd take more than a bored-sounding Dinklage to put me off the game.
Please be harder than MP 9. I don't dislike the new concept, but the "good luck, fucker" concept of many of the obstacles and games is overwhelming.
You're still stuck on the stupid group co-op truck thing... no fucking interest.
5 players game!!!!!!! 5 PLAYERSS!!!
Sticking with the car thing I see.. well, damn.
Eh, I'll have to pass yet again. I preferred the actual competition focus of 1-8 rather than whatever they're doing now. The Bowser aspect is interesting but I can't get past the whole everyone-moving-together mechanic.
Guess this proves, when you make a genre defining/ popular game, people will play anything you put out. Hell, they may even pay for it....