
I quite enjoyed it for what it was. There were touches of brilliance, and even though the gameplay was tarnished by a few absolutely horrible sections, the majority was actually quite good. I had fun. That's what matters to me.

Everyone knows it, but I STILL have trouble reconciling Mark Hamill's Joker voice to Luke Skywalker's face.

But, the most important question in the minds of every person that funded this project is... IS BECK STILL A MALE ROBOT??!!

Bill after his defeat

It'sa me! Your Supplier

To explain why this is rare, in 1990 for the Nintendo World Championship promotional tour/competition ninety of these carts were made for use in the competition. The switches you see are to control the time limit of the games for use in the competition (Super Mario Bros., Rad Racer and Tetris I believe.)

As much as I love Nintendo, I can think of nothing to redeem the Wii U.

Well played.

A Film By Joel and Ethan Coen. Opening ... when it's done.

I'm back!

"...And he never again questioned when Half-Life 3 would ever be released. He loved Big Brother."


But FF15 is a hack n slash. They are turning into a western RPG. Most people want a good turn based game or something like the tales series. the FF13 series had promise but failed.

Final Fantasy series in general need to be revived... let's hope FF15 can do that.

Awesome video. I'm DECENT at Resogun but holy shit I never understood how people scored so high. I really hope they add more levels or do more games like this, so in love with it.

I guess I got no excuse now to avoid getting Blood Dragon. And I imagine Puppetteer while I’m at it.

Definitely get Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. Prices are worth it!

It's beautiful. I'd love to see the whole game redone in this style. :3

How could you forget the Top Secret Area??

Agreed, and in my opinion it still remains Nintendo's best Mario game ever released.