
She really is a dirty, filthy girl

I guarantee there is someone out there who is going to be *way* too into this statue.


I wish it wasn't a passive aggressive thank-you message though, no point in being that way.

You did the right choice. He's an ass and doesn't deserve it.

not wanting to patronize his business makes me a prick? Interesting.

I told myself i'd buy this when it was on sale, but even when steam had it for a mere $2.50, I could not bring myself to give phil fish even that small sum of money.

How dare a game company in a free society make a game as they want to make it. they should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. I'll be sure to check my privelage and notify all of the social justice bloggers and tumblr users of such horrible things.

I'm so sick of feminists lately getting super upset over good looking women in bikinis. If you had that body, you'd probably be flaunting it too. Sexual objectification a big deal to you? Then tell women to quit taking "selfies" and posting them on the internet or Facebook. And I better never catch you wearing

Bayonetta is many things but it having shallow gameplay is not one of them.

On noes, censor this before the sexism/feminism/'all women should be fat and clothed in potato sacks' brigade shows up!!!

Thundercloud formation. Very effective.

Dredd was such a fantastic movie. There's a big push to make the planned sequel, I hope it works out. The first movie didn't do nearly as well as it deserved to =(

So we came to an agreement?

If being a Wii U owner is the equivalent of being a decent human being, then I am proud to have bought my Wii U at launch.

Ya know... the more he seems to do these... the weaker it seems to get.