Remember Del toro wanted to make this movie for the world.
Remember Del toro wanted to make this movie for the world.
What other mecha movie?
Like Wolverine?
Here I thought Rob Liefeld was bad at proportions
Code Geass didn't have a good plot.
A crappy Evangelion is a GOOD thing we don't want another Evangelion.
So how long before Eva fans declare that this is an Evangelion rip off?
Eva is probably the least referenced of mecha genre anime.
I lost it at Colossal titan
whats worse is that all the cool hats are cash shop items with timers.
Read Invincible, or as some people call him, Murderman
No one wears pants in PoE!
Tera: BRising
Every themepark MMO does that too.
I gave it a try for nostalgia. It's WoW with RO graphics and worst of all TIMED hats. cute poring hats? Deviruchi headbands? All on goddamn timers.
Great now I want an invincible game.
kinda agree, monster hunter is still the best, but Tera is pretty close