
I think it added to the theme and mood of the game to have all these inefficient things, but I can sympathize with the shotgun annoyance. I still liked it the same and it didn't bother me, but we're all really conditioned to pressing reload once and having our character go through the entire process of reloading a

yeah i agree. I liked these things in the game; the flashlight battery charging, the pneumatic rifle pumping for more power + range, but losing it's silence if you overpump it. I can see how some can find it annoying, but i thought it was unique and cool.

oh i didn't know that, i just figured it's americans being incorrect

you have no idea how much i love you for bringing this to my attention. It'll totally bring me back to the memories of playing Counter Strike 1.3 maps set in Ukranian metro stations, back when i was in single digits. Playing a game set in a familiar location is amazing; it was one of the reasons why i loved Metro 2033

yeah i don't get this, i see it aaaall the time, and only with Ukraine. Someone famous must have said that at some point or something.

they could make a fortune by selling writing utensils that looks like the car.

uggghh why is there horizontal lens flare?? my eyeballs are not cameras!! i forgave it in mass effect because it gave it a unique style it just kinda works with shiny sci-fi, but it's really bugging me how its EVERYWHERE now, and here it just seems really out of place.

dem...cheese wheels...
that one is just great

i have no idea what you and everyone else is talking about when it comes to "clumsy combat". Honestly i had no problems whatsoever and it was really fun. I played on PC, so maybe the console port was bad? And the wall-hack sure that wasn't them just finding a dead body and becoming alert, or you stepping


i gotta say, the common blood spatter on screen effect is going to really bother me when in VR. Before, it would just break all immersion and remind me that i'm playing a game. Now it would make me feel like i have someone's blood directly on my eyeballs, before realizing that i wouldn't be able to see the drops if

metal gear doesn't so much teach you philosophy, but gets you to think about it. Since philosophy = thinking, it's kind of the same. Imparting factual knowledge is not the only form of teaching.

lol jaded as fuck

it seems that this wasn't done by him, it's just on his channel

i think there's a difference between a gay joke and a homophobic joke. The latter has to imply inferioriry, contempt, etc. The former is Rex's line - it's just a joke ffs. I thought it was extremely hilarious because the joke itself is so unfunny, but then it gets budum-dish'd by those 80's synth drums (which this

okay the actionbutton review is annoying me; I was under the impression that the main problem people had with the boxart was that it had Eliabeth on it at first and then they removed her for some inexplicable reason. If my impression is correct, he's one of those people who drone on about their opinion for an hour

So the "person sweeping their store while everything is fucked" poetic thing was his idea.

Well I agree with the article regarding the choice of having so much fighting, but all these comments saying how they're fine with the violence, what bothers them is how bloody and gory it is, that it should be toned down...The reason why violence is bad is not because seeing a lot of blood grosses the perpetrator

sigh, no, your favorite, not "best".

sounds like alcohol withdrawal was involved. and, you know, everything else she said, fuck man, can't you just punch some pillows when you feel the need to be a dickface?