
i dunno that really does not sound like Glados' manner of speech

yeah that's very likely, since there was an image of the Borealis in the Portal 2 ARG

Every time I shot the Arc Projector, i came a little. That thing is fucking awesome. I wanna say it's my fav heavy weapon in the game, but every time i shot the Cain, i came a lot....

i think they should have pointed out that Russians make up like 90% of all that

oh my fucking god i want to be that guy, i want to be that guuuy....

useless?? that's fucking AWESOME

man the only thing that came to my mind after expertly picking out the juciest parts of that was, thats aaaawesoome..

oh lol, i see. Was it a silly assignment that you didn't care about and quickly half-assed?

i know right? apparently its an old college project and yeah dude, lolwat


USA is*

one time gaming has helped me take control of a dream; i was in a floating bathtub sail going though a tunnel (tell me about it..) and when i opened the shower curtains, there was a cop. For some reason i freaked, pulled out a gun and unloaded into her, but when she fell down dead, the bulletholes and blood were

shouldn't* end the game fdamit im baked

black death should end the game instantly, as slow dead is spreading, grim reaper should walk around and kill all the players one by one (except the person who called it, who gets a scythe as well =D))


dude that chess music was awesome! not exactly listenable?? anyone who listens to IDM would disagree

dude revan is gonna be in old republic

oh yeah well my smoker is pretty cool too

the second i saw "strike at karkand" i slammed my fists while yelling yeeeeeeees yyyyeehhheees