
lol at first when i read "tf2 enters public beta" i got really confused and thought i got sent back in time somehow

is the Jaynestown one a Firefly reference? I don't play starcarft so can someone tell me if terrazine is in any way similar to mud cause then that would make sense

@Zim: no dude, priests are like a good 5 feet taller than regular locusts; tho i disagree with placing the giant spider thing (forgot the name) after the Brumak cause 1. brumak has three giant guns on it and 2. the boss fight with the spider thing in gears 1 illustrated how fucking pathetic they are

@Phlycheez: his trachea is broken, lol

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: well...most of those elites i did in middle school-early high school so a lot of them are kind of iffy and i didn't keep scans of them. I have this one, but its just a quick sketch i did in anatomy class last year:

@TacDrol: dude yeah isn't that so weird?? Like if someone is watching me play my conscious mind is like "oh sweet i'll show off my mad skillz" but apparently my subconscious just pisses its pants from the concept of being watched and makes me suck hard, every fucking time

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: lol okay yeah i see that, still it looks really weird, and this is coming from an artist who has drawn like a hundred Elites

holy fuck what is going on with that Elite in the screenie... seriously i can sort of make out a face and half an arm, that's it..

dude the two lower drawings on the second image page totally look like the zen controllers from half life 1 (minus the third arm)

i don't play this game but Isengard is easily the most kick-ass faction in lotr so this is pretty cool.

#2 = art history win

yes russians win

can someone please tell if this review is not bs i mean...totally not what i expected and, well they say WaW was a good game and it...i mean, it wasn't thaat good..

@somini: yeah this is pretty win

the deathclaw hat one sounds like a pretty cool quest actually