
The challenge to that is Tristian Thompson (shares an agent w/ Lebron) will want a contract that will eat into any max deal they can offer. Also, I don't think they will have the money to pursue a 3rd max player - JR Smith and Varejao currently have terrible longterm contracts.

Didn't ESPN make clear of this the day he signed his deal? I also heard we landed on the moon.

Typical bitch response.. no wonder your wife was screwing another guy. "oh bless your little heart..."

That's because you're a bitch. If my wife cheated on me, we would be done in 2 seconds flat. Haha you guys were trying to "work things out"... She was trying to get you to forgive her, so she can go back to having the affair she started.

I was really hoping for Diana Moskovitz's HOT TAKE on this one.

Grizzlies did HARD RESET trading Pau Gasol to the Lakers for a bag of peanuts (Kwame Brown, Javaris Crittenton, Aaron Mckie, and Marc Gasol). The Grizzlies were lucky enough that inside that bag of peanuts unveiled a diamond.

Well to be fair homophobe and religion pretty much goes hand-in-hand.

So Rodgers loses points because he plays an inherently tougher position. A QB is more valuable than a DE. They should be the front runner for the MVP every year, as its the toughest to play position that impacts the game the most.

Beckham is having a very very good year. But keep in mind, it wouldve been his 1st 4 games of the year and he was still behind Cruz and Randle (obviously that was a mistake). You cant really calculate it as " total" x 1 1/3. Odell definitely deserved to get in over Calvin, but Maclin and Cobb also have an argument

To be fair, 3 NFC guys ahead of him had elite years and their teams are playoff bound (atl needs to win, i know). Calvin did not deserve his bid, but the next spot couldv've gone to Maclin or Cobb and it wouldnt really qualify as a snub. Beckham had a very very good year, but so did many WRs in this pass happy era.

Please reveal your name, so I know NOT to hire you if I'm ever convicted.

Yep, my point stands. No one around you ever wants to get into a conversation with you. The extremist debater... You're so sad. Have a good night.

Regarding cooking in the cold, I am sure after a few times you dont need the thermometer anymore. Theres an imaginary clock in your head that you already know when its done, sure the thermometer is there to tell you 100% accuracy, but you already have a gut feeling of when it will be ready.

I NEVER said bad cooks need a thermometer, I said a thermometer is not what seperates a bad cook and a good cook. Using that pretense, anyone who doesnt use a thermometer is a bad a cook...which is false.

Jesus, go back to my original reply to the user, who is NOT you. My main point is that a thermometer is not THE difference between a good cook and shitty cook. That it takes more than getting the temperature right (youre combination of seasoning, how you handled the meat before and after). And when I say experience,

Ahh, you did strike me as someone who uses extreme comparisons to prove a point. You're THAT guy in a circle of friends that never gets their phone calls answered. Got it.

There's more to cooking than getting the internal temperature correct. Also, many people don't need a thermometer to cook. Thus, that is not the difference between a shit cook and good cook. The only time I've ever used a thermometer was my 1st time baking a Turkey. After that, I didn't need the thermometer and it has

I definitely agree with you there. My whole point is that a thermometer is not what seperates a shit cook and a good cook. A good cook actually knows what their doing from start to finish, not just putting a thermometer in and problem solved.

Actually the biggest different from being a crap cook and a pretty darn decent one is well... learning how to cook and experience. With experience, you'll know how to judge your meat without sticking a thermometer in it.