
Her stepping in would have inflamed the situation more. There was a bodyguard there trained and paid to do that job.

Is this not considered a form of domestic violence?

I ask the same question about Jessica Simpson all the time.

SHE WENT ON THE TODAY SHOW AND TALKED ABOUT IT. At that point it is officially not a secret.

sorry no squee for me. Newborns look like hairless scrubbed hamsters. Still, congrats to the parents!

I miss the times when the quality of the songs decided the winners and losers.


"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"

I know - right? We can have 40 different versions of Shakira and Enrique Ingelias singing shitty ballads into smoke. Conchita is Audrey Hepburn in comparison to a lot of the trash we endure. Not that I am complaining but as you say - the bastion issue.

Is Milonov seriously arguing that Wurst is making Eurovision less classy? Did he think it was a bastion of taste and refinement before? Because if so, I have some questions.

This is far too logical and reasonable a response. What are you doing on Jezebel?

I have really only barely seen this campaign but it never occurred to me to think that it would be literally one of the missing girls. Clearly it was a professional shot rather than a family snapshot so it would be unlikely to be a photo the family just happened to have. And how would you decide which of almost 300

it's not like a social media campaign was going to bring the girls back anyway so it's not like the fact that these photos were misappropriated for this campaign will actually affect the fate of the kidnapped Nigerian girls but i understand your point that they should at least have used pictures of Nigerian girls.

She looks like she's auditioning for the part of Belle Watling.


Not a huge fan of hers but damn if she doesn't look absolutely gorgeous in this picture.

Yes, Linda Tripp told her over and over again to save the dress. It's on the tapes. (Oops sorry looks like I replied to you twice!)

But that's implying that looking like a kathoey (the Thai word) is a bad thing. Plus, I don't think kathoeys would want to be compared to this woman either...

File this under: "Being a Woman - whatever you're doing, you're doing it wrong."