Kiyobi the Shibuya ESPer

@Squishpoke: And promote throwing the game's internal economy into chaos? I doubt it.

@earlyman: I like my girls tomboyish anyway. so <3

@d_r_e: Oh man, I remember the maximum risky tag.

@surft: Welcome to Japan, home of reverse jailbait.

"...has good figures and a nice figure,"

I saw this a while back, it didn't really fit. Something about those voices... not on beat or somethin.

I've played a bunch of MMO fighters before this one. Rumble Fighter, Splash Fighters, that one other game on OGPlanet, Kwon Ho...

@WhoKnew?: As long as the netcode isn't absolutely shitty (Here's lookin' at you, MW2), I'm down.

@Isentropic_Storm: Something just doesn't sit well with me about exploits being a staple technique in competitive play.

I hate Melee.

@SparkyPantsMcGee: FYI, this shit's been done on XBL for a while now, it's nothing new.

@Hongo: Amen brotha.

My greatest gaming moment of 2010?

I could have sworn this was posted before...