The word you’re looking for is “duchy.” And it’s passed on the left-hand side of the royal family.
The word you’re looking for is “duchy.” And it’s passed on the left-hand side of the royal family.
I don’t know how long this is going to stay up on, but right now Wikipedia is showing this gem:
They cant pass up an opportunity to mansplain.
Children are so much easier to teach than grown men.
I just want to thank you and everyone else on this thread for giving me the gift of royal jewelry blogs. Can’t look away.
1. Pumpkin pie is delicious.
Yeah I was like “excuuuuse me?” If someone wants to cut a few of my roses for a wedding, and comes knocking on my door, I’ll be like “dang, wow, I must have great flowers” and totally give them some. If they just swipe them, that’s so rude.
It’s really not okay to just help yourself to other people’s flowers. If you’d asked I’d bet they would have been offered. It’s rather mean spirited.
This is such an asshole move, my jaw dropped when I read it. Under no circumstance should you EVER go and cut someone’s flowers! There’s plenty of reasons, but a few at the top of the list:
Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.
“The flowers I did decorate with, I snuck out late the night before my wedding and clipped from yards or sunflower patches. We only took one or two from any given yard, so we weren’t complete jerks.”
Passing along this story about my buddy, I’ll call him Jim, who served in the Army and was in the middle east in early 2000s. He came back with some pretty fierce PTSD, used to think he was hearing calls for help over the car radio and such. Eventually he got some professional help and it seemed like it was all sorted.
Riverdale is terrible and I have watched every episode. Do it.
Riverdale is amazzzzing. And by amazzzzing I mean horrible, but also amazing.
A few summers ago my brother and his family had a similar close brush with death. I’ve never been, but it’s a place called Banana Bend on the banks of the San Jacinto River near Houston, TX, that is notoriously known for being the site of several drownings.
So I moved around a lot when I grew up, but there was one house in particular that was very very much haunted.
Tried posting this one a few years ago, but was too late. Not a ghost story, but it’s one of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me.
A bakery I worked at had just gotten a new client, and to keep up with demand we’d had to add an overnight shift to prep stuff for the early shifts when they came in. As the manager, I worked the first few weeks of the shift myself (alone) so that I could train whoever we hired later to do it.
A few years ago I was alone in my apartment one evening, my roommate worked nights, and normally I loved nights he was out because I love having the whole place to myself. It was probably around 8:30pm or so when my dog decided he needed to go outside. My building has a little dog area on the roof, so I grabbed my…
Roast potatoes, lads. I can't believe Americans make such a big show of thanksgiving and Christmas and don't do roasties.