
The weirdest thing I ever saw in a bathroom happened to me. I was dating my new boyfriend, and he asked me to his Christmas party, which was held in a dive bar near Chinatown since the employees were paying for it. Shortly after we arrived, I excused myself  to use the bathroom. Having done so, I wanted a lipstick

I went grocery shopping with one of my best friends once. I had to pee, we pushed our carts to the bathroom and she stayed out with our carts as I went into my stall. I heard the door open again and looked at the feet in the stall next to mine. It was my best friend’s feet. I decided we should play footsie, because

Right, I understand voting for what you want even if you know you won’t get it- but who actually WANTS either of those clowns?

Bit sexist question, innit? Not only does this premise assume women don’t watch it, you also assume women who have no problem with it are lying.

She was definitely white. Jews had been shipped to Israel and people of color were labeled as “the brothers of Ham” and sent to Dakota to be farm slaves. Offred was breeding stock in a white supremacist totalitarian society. She was white.

Agreed. All of those floral dresses are stunning, really. But I just like florals :)

Wow, I didn’t even have any hope someone would know where that dress came from, so I didn’t ask. And it’s inexpensive too! Thank you!

If a reboot was wanted, make it so these were the new generation of Ghostbusters, who were trained/mentored by the original cast. BOOM. There you go.

... why did Star Trek have to be remade? Why did Fright Night? Why would literally any massively popular and moderately original movie be remade? Because the movie business is, first and foremost, a business, and they want to make money.

Pensive? Damn, I was going for thoughtful.

No, if an Ugg boot filled with pumpkin spice latté was granted one wish, and it was to be a real human woman, she would date this guy. As for me, I wouldn’t touch any of these guys with someone else’s pussy.

Don’t go to the wedding. Seriously.

I don’t know enough about Leadsom - no one does really. But Theresa May is the devil. I’m shocked how much I now :shudder: begrudgingly respect Cameron for keeping the zealots in his party in check, now that there’s a real chance they’ll have a great deal of power.

I can deal with anything else as long as this is true.

But the interview in question was in the Telegraph so it's not pretentious (not that part anyway), just correct for them.

*SNORK* Graduating from college? 20, 21, 22? A kid. You’re all kids. Face it.

My tits would not behave in any of those flimsy madam holding devices. I would only just be able to stand still without risk of obscenity. That is why they show models with lovely, neat muffin sized boobs.

literally list the drugs you are doing bc they seem interesting