
This kid knows what’s up.

Yikes. My husband had one of his best girl friends as a groomslady and I thought she was bad. You sound kind of terrible.

She worked in the music industry her whole life. She has a degree in music, is a songwriter, a teacher an a performer. What does your resume look like? The 'plucked" pieces of the original article focus on her lovers. That's like suggesting Michelle Obama is a starfucker because a large number of people know her

When I was 11 or 12, a hairstylist cut most of my hair off. The look was nowhere near what had been discussed prior to cutting. It was probably 1.5-2 inches long, which was not a flattering look for my curly hair. I had a huge crying and screaming fit in the salon. I also locked myself in their bathroom for several


Peeing on the outside of a public toilet is punk as fuck.

ditto berlin. I saw a man at roughly 2 pm on a Sunday pull out his dick and pee while leaning with his BACK against a wall. Like, front facing dick, hello people getting off the U-bahn, this is my fully visible pissing Schwanz.

Ah Hamburg, the city where a bum will pull his dick out in broad daylight and piss on a small patch of grass between four lanes of busy traffic.

As a Millenial who fucking loves Jeopard and yes, tunes in every night as soon as my tot is tucked in: NAILED IT!

I thought it was a fun pun, and they didn't TRY to be hip and have it be about famous feuds or something. I respect it. #botanist

Throw can also mean to project or cast light and/or shadow; hence, the show used it in a correct literal sense. To say a tree is throwing shade may be an unusual way to say it, but it is technically correct.

I see where semantics might create a problem here... to me, providing shade, throwing shade, giving shade, etc., are all things a tree might do. Then again English is my second language so I guess I have that to blame.

But, so much of what the show is exploring is how imperfect the law of "inmates can't legally consent to sex with guards" is. Pornstache demanding blowjobs for McDonalds or medication or hard drugs is portrayed as a radically different dynamic than Daya and Bennett having mutual crushes on each other. Daya and Bennett

"Calling a rapist a rapist is too mean for you?"

This is an unnecessarily hostile response to a post in which I said I'd be open to other opinions. Also, it really misrepresents what I said, please re-read.

I don't think McGorry has any explaining to do. Are we snarking on his comment?

My crazy mother tried to do this at my brother's wedding. My sister-in-law heard about her choice of attire on the morning of the wedding and freaked out, sent my brother to find my mother before the ceremony to ask her to please NOT DO THAT. The bride had also requested on the invites that guests wear fall colors so

I love how he points out the ways a girl can turn her date on, but doesn't address the ways guys can turn girls on. We're just a bunch of hussies, aren't we?

That guy's poor wife. It must be like fucking a glass of warm milk.

When I was in 2nd grade, my class made gingerbread cookies. The teachers orchestrated an elaborate ruse where they pretended the gingerbread cookies ran away. They left flour trails around the school, and wrote messages from the gingerbread cookies with chalk. Messages like "Run run as fast as you can, can't catch