Oh man. I played the video on its own and laughed. Then I played it with this and had to watch another 5 or 6 times in a row, laughing like a drain. PERFECT recommendation, perfect!
Oh man. I played the video on its own and laughed. Then I played it with this and had to watch another 5 or 6 times in a row, laughing like a drain. PERFECT recommendation, perfect!
Just thought I would I let you know that I used your crust recipe - and it turned out really well! Thanks again for that and happy thanksgiving. (here's a pie pic!) https://imgur.com/a/FMIal
oooh, thanks! Having made (fruit) mince pies every xmas since I was tiny I definitely appreciate the importance of a good crust recipe :)
Super late to this party but I had to post once I saw the food excitement!
gorgeous! The lights at ground level were pretty breathtaking too. I spent last night with a couple of thousand strangers, at Bornholmer Strasse where the wall first came down. It was beautiful, the lights in the photo above are balloons and at the end they released them all into the night. There was so much cheering,…
Just saw this after writing a whole big comment that said pretty much the same thing. (I'm from the big fish bit of NZ and also very excited!)
The original script writer is Taika Waititi who wrote and directed a Flight of The Conchords episode (Albie) so he does have some practice at mixing music into a script.
I agree - even those words are not just Hawaiian, right? Moana is a word in Maori and Tahitian too, I think in all three it means 'ocean' or 'big body of water,' which seems appropriate! Maui is a folk-hero character across Polynesia - I know him from back home in NZ. He fished up the North Island of New Zealand in…
this article http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/… seemed to suggest that Maui is the Maui of Maori/Polynesian folk history. Would make sense, given the script writer's connection to New Zealand! Might just be a NZ publication reading too much into it though.
Honestly, whether Moana is Hawaiian, Maori, Micronesian,…
I heard a theory that it to do with their painted faces - we intuit so much about people's mood through their expressions and so we are wired to be distrustful of anyone whose face is permanently fixed in the same mood. But also just eughghgh clowns!
Banned from Lidl AND the leisure centre? Way harsh, deer.
Preferably with elephants as back-up twirlers!
I didn't love the Depp version but I vastly prefered it to the 70s, they're-not-geese,-they're-SQUIRRELS-goddamit monstrosity.
tremendously is such a good word. It makes me think of Roald Dahl every time I hear it. And that very British, boarding school world he talks about in Boy and Going Solo.
Have you twirled a ribbon lately? It's pretty fun.
Genuinely started clapping my hands like a child about halfway through that. This was the baby elephant clip I didn't know I needed!
I think I need this shirt
Oh I get this a lot. I am not good at waking up elegantly. If I'm lucky it happens like last week, when the plumber arrived super early, and i sat bolt upright in bed, an earring stuck to my face, yelling ''shiiit! Fuuuuuuuuck! Shiiiiiiit!''
maybe that one bitty grape on the bunch that never reached full size?
oh I so see it! Great catch