this is daft, Heineken. Some woman like football, some don't. Some men like football, some don't.
this is daft, Heineken. Some woman like football, some don't. Some men like football, some don't.
i would like to star you more than once for this
oh man, even as a Hearts fan going to the actual game is kind of terrifying!
what was the answer? I went to watch a rugby game at the pub with boyfriend, friend and friend's then-new girlfriend and she kept suggesting that 'the girls' should turn our backs to the game so we could distract the boys and make them talk to us. Um, no? I didn't want to shoot her down, she was new and trying to be…
d-d-d-danger, lurks behind you..there's a stranger out to find you! What to do, just grab on to some Duck Tales! Ewooo oo.
as theme songs go, Duck Tales is obviously the greatest theme ever - but if we have to stick to theme songs for sitcoms, Golden Girls has to take it.
Cycle of Friends?
i'm a little late with this but it is a sight that is burned into my brain. I've just moved to Berlin and on my first weekend here I witnessed a woman holding her toddler son in the air, one hand under his shoulders, the other holding his ankles. I thought it was a weird angle until I realised he was in the middle of…
Chavril is the name of a thick cream, sweetend and mixed with Grand Marnier and traditionally used in many patisserie recipes.
High five for a list of literary crushes that includes Shakepeare and Austen characters. We share a thing for Benedick (absolutley the no. 1 Shakespeare fella) but my Austen choice would be Mr Tilney (Northhanger Abbey) - a sarcastic, smart, witty, teasing, flirt who constantly challenges you yet is your unashamedly…
This immediately made me think of the IT Crowd - when everyone thinks Jen's date looks like a magician. This scene here actually - this guy could totally be the one they are talking about, would not be surprised in the least if it was him across from her at dinner.
my male flatmate at the time had a similar reaction. We'd all seen it but for him and at the end, when we turned the light on, he was all red-eyed and puffy. And my other male flatmate took one rueful, been-there look at him and said 'aw mate. You got Notebooked.'
All I can think is how wonderful it must be to have someone THAT happy to see you.
So I have a few op shop (aka thrift shop aka charity shop) scarves that I stuff in my handbag for when I get ambitious at the supermarket and run out of bag room. They take up no room to carry and actually do work as a good alternative to a plastic bag - though why you would use a Hermes scarf specifically I have no…
this - but unfortunately it looks a bit like she's been caught midway through an outdoor pee in high winds (and maybe a little bit went on her shoe?) Granted, that dress is not ideal for popping a squat, but she could still manage - shoes off and aim downhill, dear!
I feel for couples who don't want their mugs all over Facebook/social media but banning photos all together - even ones where the bridal party is nowhere to be seen - just tips it into IT'S MY DAY AND I RULE OVER YOU ALL histronics.
Gardening is awesome, right?
this was the first thing I thought as well. Why on earth does it have to be disposable? My clit isn't so dirty that it soils anything it touches - surely a quick rinse would set any shield right?
you put that perfectly.
please - with those very-nice-but-kind-of-dull parents she/he would HAVE to be Hufflepuff.