Damn girl! Your story is awesome. Congrats!
I looked it up too... The wiki article seems to speak quite favorably about covenant marriage. Hm.
Haha, fair enough!
I don't know, my job affects way less people and I have to take 20 hours of training courses per year with mandatory ethics courses to renew my professional designation license.
Lol! Oh dear. You got me. I was a Classical Civ minor in university. I'm so embarrassed about that typo!
I think this qualifies for xenophobia, rather than classicism...but what do I know.
Awww boo.
Haha gross. I had a person order 12 sugars in a medium coffee once. TWELVE. I also had a guy who wanted strawberry cream cheese on everything bagels all the time. *shudder*
I worked at Tim Horton's coffee shop when I was a teen. I worked the drive thru microphone and window because everyone else hated doing it and I was the youngest. Of course, as you all know, people can get very angry about their coffee or food orders. Very angry. It was pretty standard to be sworn at, at least once…
I worked the drive-thru at a Tim Horton's, does that count as a restaurant? I've got a story about an angry man and a cream cheese bagel.
Well duh, if white people aren't accidentally getting pregnant, America will be populated by immigrants.
I see no problem in discussing sex in a positive way to or near your child, but I think letting them hear you is far too much. I'm still shuddering thinking about it 20 years later.
Hearing my parents have sex was mortifying. Once I had to pee so badly and waited in my room for 30 minutes after they finished so they wouldn't think I heard them, and I almost wet the bed.
Yay! You chose Toronto! w00t w00t!
Girl don't get me started. It costs me TWICE as much to ship from Toronto to Vancouver than it does to LA, Austin or Miami. It's cheaper for me to send to Detroit than one city over. How does that even make any sense.
Wow, I would subscribe to your newsletter.
I sell on Etsy from Canada, and our listed shipping prices are about $2-4 dollars cheaper than what Canada Post charges me, just so I don't lose out on sales. I can't up my prices of the item too much as I am in a very competitive area with very set price ranges (nail polish), so we just hope people buy more than one…
"You should be honored that a white person deigns to wear pieces of your culture." *vomit*
Oh my word, the hypocrisy of these idiots. "Oh we're respecting your culture by using it to look pretty and then refusing to listen to you." Unbelievable.