
I am so so happy (and jealous!) for women for whom the pills and birth control implements work, but none of them made me feel "right".

When I was 17, I was just happy to be kissing and doing sexy stuff. At that age, do you really need to make it sexier?

I'm supporting this kickstarter because a) I think the designs are cute as hell and b) they seem to be well designed for my menstrual needs (i.e. black gusset or whatever it's called). Personally, the use of the monsters indicated to me a big eye-roll in the direction of how men feel about periods. I also did not take

Best of luck to your sister!

$4.5 billion?!

Yup, it started with me at the ripe old age of 9, when I told my friends that I liked boys but I liked girls too... I thought I was special for liking both so I wanted to share that with my friends (I had never heard of being gay or anything even close to that). Unfortunately their first reaction was to say, "EW do


Great, now here come the 75 comments about how "I don't want a [gay slur] in my locker room, because he will automatically want to have sex with me and it will ruin my liiiiife."

Honey, I'll drink a glass for you! ;)

Oh well we get like so few months to really use them so we kind of get obsessed. Once it's March we start announcing that it is "Patio Weather", haha! I even have a patio heater and a canopy tent (with table and chairs) that I put out come April.

Good gosh, twice?! Sounds like if we combined our grannies they would make a normal!

You are so welcome! Also, if you do choose Toronto, let me know and we can totally hang out. (I have a sweeeet patio, haha!)

Hello! I'm in Toronto, living with my bf who used to live in Vancouver. Here is our analysis:

Anyone else watching the short programs today, crying the whole damn time? Just me? ...

Well, I can offer the perspective of the person who drops of the face of the planet. I got super depressed and could not handle seeing anyone, especially anyone who would express concern over my state (unwashed, unkempt, etc.) so I just avoided everyone. That was like a year and a half ago and I'm just slowly starting

I hear that! My grandma was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and needs someone to attend all her medical appointments from now on, but she's been kind of resistant. When I call her to discuss anything (including medical care), she constantly hangs up mid conversation with "Okay bye", even if we did not come close

Holy I am laughing so hard I'm crying and my cat is terrified.

media hint add-on, you'll be able to watch.

Glad it's not just me sobbing through therapy...haha. I do look silly taking the subway with sunglasses though...

I get what you're saying! I can't think of a better word either, haha.