Kit Foxtrot

Having read the entire manga series - we were horribly, horribly disappointed by the movie.  It’s still beautiful, but it pales in comparison.

Wonder Woman worked, because it was about her as a person, and reacting to a world around her she didn’t understand. It wasn’t about her powers (until the end), it was about her - so in essence, Millar got that right within this context. And I think Superman - well, I’ve an entire post about that I made a few years

You know how I registered to vote? I put a checkmark on my tax form, saying to put me on the voting roll. Done. That’s I needed to do. Or, I can walk up to any polling booth, show I have a place to live, and I can vote right then and there, which puts me on the voting roll.

I don’t need to jump through any hoops. There

Let me try it this way.

So do I. My wife, not so much.

I thought flat-earthers didn’t believe in gravity - ergo 0-G planes shouldn’t be a thing.

How do they explain lack of gravity, is what I want to know.

<3 Gods, she does things to me.

I still want my Ghostbusters / MIB crossover, because DAYUM those two would work well together!

To help someone who needs it? Definitely.

Right, because helping people makes me ‘sad’ and ‘gullible’. If you did even a drop of research you’d know full well what I’m talking about.

I actually give Mandy Morbid $10 a month for one of her locked accounts, and I don’t use it. Why? Because I know what she’s going through, and it’s the easiest way to show my support. Why do people pay for it? Sometimes, just to help.

There it is! That’s the one I use! :) I’ve been using that type for the last seven years!

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

I consider this the best vampire movie ever - and one of the staple movies of the 80s, along with Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Back to the Future, and Princess Bride. Those four, to me, are the films of the 80s, and TLB, FBDO, and B2tF make the 80s.

Strange, I don’t have that problem with Lawful Good. But for me, the Lawful Part is the ‘needs of society outweigh the desires of the individual’. It is about the push of civilization, and that the group is worth more than the individual. The Good part, for me, is ‘the wellbeing of others outweigh my wellbeing’.

Jetfire. Who was a Super VF-1J from Robotech. But, because of the guys who had the rights to Robotech in the USA, they couldn’t keep the specific look of him, and so Skyfire was born. But you’re right - the Transformer that’s show up above IS Skyfire, and not Jetfire.

Haven’t seen the movie yet, but I’ll note something. As my wife put it there’s ‘showers’ and ‘growers’. If he’s a grower, then under normal circumstances, he’ll look smaller than he actually is when he’s aroused.

“Incest is abuse.”

I’m a touch disappointed.