Kit Foxtrot

It’s more setting / genre. MIB I can see working with the Ghostbusters. The kind of things the GB encounters could easily be something the MIB work with. For 21JS, that’s a setting clash - the MIB have no reason to work with the 21JS team, and even if they did, it’d be for a very short period of time, and involve a

Appropriate Graphic is Appropriate.

True, but the people around her... I kept worrying when Jarvis might die, and when and if it was Tony or Howard Stark who made the AI.

This was dealt with on Mythbusters, though I forget the outcome.

Maybe, I’m not certain I’m quite following, but let me give it a shot. To some extent, I have to agree: good and evil is entirely up to the human perspective. What is good for the community, we deem ‘good’, and what is bad for the community, we deem ‘bad’. I don’t think it’s really a philosophical thing, though.

Actually, during the credits, I check out ‘Stinger’ + ‘Movie I’m Watching’ on Google, and it tells me if there’s anything after the credits. It saves a lot of time.

It’s strange, because I came from the other direction - I went to GoW for the story - the myth they were telling. The game play typically got in the way of what I wanted - having to do QTEs when all I wanted was to get to the next arc in the story. What they showed at E3 was pretty good, I like this iteration of

I was a fan of the original movie, and I got my wife to watch it a few weeks ago. I also picked up the sequel: Futureworld, to watch at some point. I’m very much looking forward to this, since I am a HUGE fan of Person of Interest. :) I can’t wait!

What if 100 NRA executives were mowed down by AR15s at an NRA assembly? Would that change their mind?

Huh, strange, my wife and I enjoyed the hell out of the first season.

Honestly, I hate the colours. I also don’t like that they’re effectively re-skins. Other than that, though, glad to see she exists.

What most people didn’t know is that King Tut had teamed up with the Predators to stop an invasion of xenomorphs during his reign. They had done an incredible job of it, but a single face-hugger had escaped, and grabbed King Tut once the Predator had left. The dagger was a gift from the Predator, acknowledging Tut’s

Perhaps, but does that make it right? But really, it comes down to the kind of trash talking being done. If it’s just ribbing, that’s one thing, but when it comes down to actual insults and personal attacks, that’s something else entirely, and I don’t think it’s ever needed.

You also know these people, and it’s good natured. But if you didn’t know these people, that might be something else entirely. And I’ve seen my sister smack talk when she plays games - but she doesn’t target the person, she targets the move the person makes, or the moves she makes to counter them. But only when she’s

You need to know where you’re going with the trans-warp transporter. If you’re going into unknown territory, it doesn’t help you at all as far as transporters are concerned. The other thing is you need relay points to strengthen the signal, so if you don’t have subspace beacons along the route, you’re kind of screwed

Fixed it for you: “Hey, remember when it was cool to not care about the people around you, and that racism was a lot more common, and black people were expected to shut up and take it from white people?”

Kind of curious. Banter as in what?

According to the Mary Sue, there’s four dislikes per person who actually saw the trailer. That sounds like hate-padding to me.

It was the homicides one, which included a few other countries. :) Wasn’t just gun murders.

Not that hard - I’ve a forensic pathologist for a friend. He’s pretty good at determining cause of death.