Kit Foxtrot

The Amber Chronicles are high on my list, as is the Dragonriders of Pern. In the mid—90s, both were slated to be television series. I don’t know what happened with Amber, but I do know what happened with Pern. The executives wanted it to be like Buffy, and the director was having none of that - so they told him he

True enough, but I think it would have hit the cultural notes a lot better if they went this route. X-Men wasn’t bad - but it was more ‘hey, look at the kewl things these people can do’ and less about ‘hey, you know, prejudice is bad, look at what these people have to face every day’. It would have been a wonderful

I was discussing the upcoming Fantastic Four film, and how it appears to be hitting the wrong notes - and how X-Men also seemed to miss the mark when it comes to Marvel movies.

I was discussing the upcoming Fantastic Four film, and how it appears to be hitting the wrong notes - and how X-Men also seemed to miss the mark when it comes to Marvel movies.

You... didn’t actually answer the question there. You’re saying “this is what they said”, rather than “this is what they did”. I know what they say they did - I’m actually interested in something a bit more objective. But one thing did stand out:

Oh, then what did they do at Calgary Expo? Because if they didn’t do that, they’d not have been thrown out. And, specifically, you did accuse Sarkeesian, et-al, of doing that.

Really? So, how many conventions have they snuck into? How many did they lie to when they registered to get in? Oh, and how many panels did they disrupt? Simple answer: None.

Seriously? If someone on the ‘left’ lied to get into a convention, then actively disrupted panels, they’d be kicked out just as much as someone on the right. This isn’t about politics, this is about lying, and being disruptive.

Actually, it'd be the opposite of pew. It makes the 'pew' go away.

I’m impressed. Though one of the self-challenges I saw which made me laugh was the ‘pacifist’ necromancer run on Diablo 2 at the hardest setting. That impressed me all to hell too. (Don’t kill anything except bosses needed to complete quests. Not a single other thing is allowed to die)

Short List for Disney Live Action:

I just treat it like the plural of fish. Fish. ;) So, I'll stick to 'samurai', 'ninja', 'katana' and 'tanuki' for pluralization. People will know what I mean.

Presuming it's a word which has come into common English usage, maybe. I wince at 'ninjas', 'samurais', and 'katanas', but they're used enough in English that there's not much to be done.

The plural of tanuki is tanuki. (Actually, the plural of most Japanese words is the same as the singular).

Exactly. In fact, Bill and Ted's credo is perfect.


Actually, as a feminist, I'll put it this way.

It was far enough into the comic that people were upset at Raphael having the snot kicked out of him. He had to be dumped into the van as everyone made their getaway, and since it was new enough, people didn't know whether he'd have survived or not. It was well done, and I think that people reacted strongly to it.

Even the original was pretty nasty. Raphael getting the living bejeezus kicked out of him by the Foot Clan and almost dying was a good example. They could get pretty nasty.

To each their own. I just see entirely too much drama and angst in comics that aren't at all necessary.