
Guys! GUYS!!! Look! Our extremely expensive state of the art GPU running a tech demo with zero physics, AI, or water calculations is better than over 6-8 year old hardware!

Does the PS2 controller still have precision that can stand up to today's controllers?

"Yea, your suffering shall exist no longer; it shall be washed away in Atom's Glow, burned from you in the fire of his brilliance!"

Analog Button!

The Slow and the Curious

Well, you kinda proved my point. Had there not been new blood, you would have gotten destroyed (no offense). Don't get me wrong, I'm in the same boat as you, but it helps to mix in some new players this late into a highly competitive shooter.

If you're having trouble, I can give you a few tips.

I tried Counter Strike GO on the PS3 (primary gaming platform) and felt like I was missing out on so much; the modding community, the custom matches, and the precise aim of a mouse got me killed to no end (opponents often used instead of a PS3 controller).

Battlefield is pure bliss once you get to level 30 or so and can hold your own. What level are you?

Join the club!

It's because the game is accessible. Anybody can pick up a controller and start doing good. Whereas in games like Battlefield 3 or Ghost Recon, you'll get destroyed for the first 24 hour period you play.


At the start of the gen, you won't see much difference. In fact, the current gen versions might be better (in the way they control, familiarity) but graphically no doubt the next gen will look better.

Wait, what? Conviction is on PS3, I thought. Could have sworn I saw it on the store

Spam from Nigeria!

My Mbps is too damn high

As opposed to a cradle, I use a banana to hold my vita up.

Oh, the annotations that shall arise from this!

As opposed to you exploding gas

That should be the point of everything