
Erm, not recorded from a mobile device. Watched from a mobile device.

Because interpreting data you willingly offered them by using their services is considered spying.

Fifteen syllables in the title.

Agree on the "low driving" bit. What is Saints Row without gratuitous violence and absurd context?

With authentic fake chrome :D

Wow. That's...euch *shudders*

You could call it drool

On par with space travel!

Sly Cooper 2 music...

Don't forget Kinect compatibility! Because everybody knows how to use it EXCEPT microsoft

I'd sell mine in the collector's edition with all the art for 50...


Ignore all other games at the moment, slap yourself three times, and go download Deus Ex RIGHT NOW.

Psh, I won't even have a dead zone! Getting a Vita in a week or two (getting NFS most wanted along with PS+ offerings), Battlefield 3 is coming out for PS plus tomorrow, so that's some good fun with a friend of mine, and on top of all that, Payday: The Heist 2 is coming out (put a good many hours into the first one,

I'll go ahead and make a case, as a lets-play fan.

Funny, as I just booted up LBP. Nothing like creating flying shoes and land mines out of egg cartons

There's some severe FPS drops when taking in a lot of a hub city at once. Though yes, the graphics are wonderful

It hasn't updated as so yet. Wait until tomorrow or whenever the store usually updates

Yeah, I dropped my DSi in the sink... It worked for a few minutes, then as I tried to access the app I'd been using when it fell in, it showed an ominous black screen with a yellow code. It's been corrupted with that ever since.

For the age of Aggression is nowhere near done.