
Clickers are creepy and unnerving as anything you'll ever play in a game. Especially when you're trapped in a room with a few.

It sits down and tells her a story.

It's not being used as a scapegoat....jeez, calm down.

I'm sure there will be. Anyways, and I'm sure I'm in the vast majority, I won't have to worry about it :).

The thing is, we all think that MS' real problem was that it has a godawful PR team. Maybe the guys behind the box had some cool ideas. We'll never know now, will we?

Well, duh. It's just not gonna be shown in commercials and such.

I'd imagine there will be, it's just not marketed with one for authenticity purposes..

Lets see what the cream of the 'shop can come up with this one.

The strangest part is how he ended up in the park.

When this stops occurring

Well, Yeah...gun OWNERS. if you get a gun at a young age, I highly doubt you own it, and it is kept behind lock and key. Of course adults have personal defense firearms in their cabinets or drawers. It would be dumb to store in a safe in a situation.

A bunch of things get trademarked that don't get followed through upon.

Duke Nukem Frozeover

Ps4 will still outsell the X180. It's a near certainty given the conditions.

It's not a really common thing in daily life. Sure, you hear about people doing crap like this, but most of the common people sort of shake their heads and pray for a good presidential candidate next time around. Sure, they may get guns at an early age, but usually they're kept behind locks and ammo stored elsewhere.

How do you start safe mode?

You can disable the firmware auto updates. I have, because it also does auto sign in

It's an engine based off the Quake engine, lol.

You don't have to give into the COD machine! Try other shooters, trust me, you'll never be able to go back.

Well, the game is worth more than that. But still, maybe put it out on the market at 40, then cut it to 20 on the e shop. It's proven to work. Besides, Terraria sold like hotcakes on PSN and it's 15.