
A tasteful list.

Because we all like the new shinies!

In a nutshell: A really sick guy sneezed on a dollar, went and bought something during Black Friday, and that dollar gave everybody super cancer aids because a lot of people touched it.

Watch much hype.

Have you played FC3 yet, though? The fact that it has so much replayability makes it earn a spot in my top list

What's your other two? Mine would be Far Cry 3 and Uncharted 2 along with TLOU, but top five would include AC: Brotherhood and LBP2.

Oh, he doesn't need to be condemned to that extent, haha. Besides, half their articles are movie things anyways these days >_>

It gets better, trust me. Aside from a few dumb difficulty spikes a la Uncharted 3 fire dudes, it's a great experience. Can't be perfection, I suppose.

Hah, that's a major plot point, so I won't spoil anything. Out of curiosity, how much did you see of footage before you bought the game? I saw the demo, the E3 13 trailer, and that was it. Pretty much blind, I feel like that's one of the best ways to experience games.

Yeah, he gave that back for the most part. It's stunning to see how their relationship evolves over the course of the game as I look back on it (I beat it, however the multiplayer is great too!).

Not even close. You'll know when. Oh, and a little tip: bill is a great meat shield, so feel free to place him in front of you in corridors if you need to thin out their ranks a bit.

It's not a big spoiler, but it's totally worth experiencing yourself.

There's the key. Guide. Not a guide to games, but a guide for gamers, and what they're typically interested in.

The hair looked phenomenal. Until

Some people do actually fail.

Then don't click on the article. Seriously. Out of all the things you chose to say, you had to be a jerk about it. Look, either use Core, or gtfo, because this is a blog, and they can post whatever they feel like. Some of us enjoy this. Others don't. It's not hard to keep scrolling.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your annotations...

Well, yes...but they're like, cups of bread and sauce. Where the heck does the bagel part even come from?

One of my favorites was a bit about a certain runaway dog, a naughty one, if you will.

I second this.