
Thanks for the post, really informative. Reason I want my open world racer is the simply have the feel of a sim in an open world environment, I.e the heavy suspension, etc. anyways no worries on the post, currently in a game of terraria anyways. I'm looking forward to the crew. I'm not the racer sort of guy, but I

Nah, I did run left. Im just wondering why they exploded. Is it because he shot them? No, lead balls don't ignite things. And then the guards, with the finicky running assassination. And then the crowd within the first few seconds destroys all hope of full sync.

Haha, it was worth a shot. Great game, though. That would be ever worse than Dark Souls.

Have you ever tried Terraria? It's a quick little retro game at budget price.

Now I want to play Sunshine again.


Oh, that final mission...

Just so you know, Burnout Paradise is way ahead of anything you'll find on PC.

I thought NFSMW was pretty good. How far back are you talking?

Hey, some people take it way too far. Ever seen the comments on a Patricia article?

When kids see violence with machines, they're kinda in awe of it. My 4 year old nephew has a love for nonsensical car destruction, ala Saints Row the Third.

Everyone hated Desmomd anyways. No impact fil story arc


It's da vidya games, I say! Ruinin this generation, makin them all violent!

Hey, the man got soul.

What do you guys think the best stupid to come out of E313 is?

Yeah, I know. It's close.

Haven't you noticed that it looks extremely wide now?

True. In any case, I won't have to worry about that.