
Um, we do get bonuses. Ps plus, tons of games a year for $50

Came here to say this

Actually, the eBay would be better than a 20% deal. Say you started out with something worth $100. Going with eBay, they take 10% off the top, bringing you to a $90 profit. Then PayPal takes 10% off that, leaving $81 (90x.1=9).

Normally, I'd feel annoyed at a post about this, but...these are never well thought out. This one was. Good job.

Nah, the creative director/producer guy greenlighted them three slides in to the pitch. Besides, digital releases get a lot of exposure naturally. I think it'll do good

This isn't the time :/

Do not question your superiors

I don't believe mobile users have the luxury of that :P

Maybe you're broken.

I didn't scroll down fast enough, so all I saw were some trippy text blurs :/

I'll put it this way: if there's money to be made, you can bet that somebody is gonna try and make it, morally questionable or not.

This is what happens when you update skyrim to level skills past 100

I'd be paying attention to traffic, personally.

That, or gifs

Ignore ash, he already succeeded to get a rise out of you guys...

I do graphs in pen. Problem?

"So the better question worth asking is, what would we—gamers, regular people—need with an HDMI in?"

That's mostly player input. Have you ever seen someone really good play Sleeping Dogs?

They look...used. Diminished in their fantastic qualities, like a dulled blade.

You know what they say: The most recent crap smells the worst.