I called it in the original thread. Proof
I called it in the original thread. Proof
Pssst it's "aiding and abetting"
Ha! I had the same thought.
It's pretty well know here in Australia at least.
Danger Zone!
It does indeed bode well, plus I find that it warms the cockles of my nerdy heart to see another fan get the role.
Ha awesome! Never seen Cougar Town so I never knew that.
I'm old, it's cold here... I can make up more excuses if you would like.
Only about 97% of us.
More just a case of writing what you know.
It's meta but it's no 4th wall breaker.
About 20, the bronies are strong on i09 apparently.
Archer is meta as hell but it doesn't break the 4th wall every episode, or much at all.
I'm gonna call this close but no breakage.
Of course it's Cougar Town the breaks the 4th wall in this instance, not Community,
I had the same take as you until today, that yes that was the one mission that he chose to replay but now I'm not so sure.
It's a favorite with Coronation St fans who really hate the 'Dwarf possibly.
The entire run of that show was an exercise in breaking the forth wall.
Might as well add Kids in the Hall as part of this grouping.
I loved that whole section of the show, so ambiguous. I'm still torn on which interpretation is "correct"