Koopa Troopa

I think I need to go back to driving school because I don't know how to pay the fuck out of attention.

“To which we would say: about damn time. It’s not called The Legend of Link, you know.”

The only relevant part is this:

That’s a stretch. What percentage of military personnel have been in a Humvee? What percentage of gamers have played Call of Duty. Humvees are a fixture of military hardware. Call of Duty isn’t. It’d be more like a character using an Xbox controller or a computer using Windows as the OS in a movie. Those are fixtures.

Maybe not but the wording seems to imply that the game made that much money because they used Humvees which is clearly untrue. 

have made billions of dollars by using AM General’s iconic HUMVEE® military vehicle and its distinctive trade dress

First: I want netting. Period.

Second: Until that happens, adults need to stop bringing kids into those sections.

Fully admit that I don’t want to look through a fucking net. Now your turn to fully admit that “you won’t even notice it’s there” is utter bullshit. The only time you don’t notice the net is when you get up to go to the concession stand or restroom and look the opposite direction.  

Right, next he’ll be complaining about the lost art of sending someone a letter. 

Your mom told me the same about you.

They have a huge fanbase, are critically acclaimed, and have their first album out in a long time. 

Please do not quit your day job.

You guys really need to get your union to negotiate for some better vision insurance benefits...

Patrick, that’s hideous. Fire yourself.

I did end up buying the DLC/Main game together. So I don’t necessarily have any context of what it is like to play without the DLC. Most of it is blended into the game as well so you don’t exactly know what is new or not. Of the stuff that I knew was DLC though, the map functions were the most useful to me. Being able

$35 seems to be the sweet spot for me. It gives me enough small bills that I can do purchases that might be too small to justify a credit card (either because the shop has a minimum, or because the gas station looks too shady to swipe my card).

I still can’t figure out what kind of people consume cable news, whatever side of the aisle you’re on, it’s all just filler crap designed to entertain people with minuscule attention spans.  Ok, so I just figured it out.  Progress! 

I mean you could in theory see a Perot type run, and HW Bush was quite unpopular at the time, but that era was so many lifetimes ago in the span of politics, and Bush also had a challenge from the right in Pat Buchanan that weakened him, I don’t see that many moderate Rs remaining willing to vote that way

Hot take: what if this just attracts never-Trump Republicans who like to view themselves as not terrible? I know some pretty centrist Dems (I live in Louisiana so...ya know) and I can’t imagine any of them going for this shit. They don’t want another billionaire businessman running things, as much as I disagree with a