Koopa Troopa

No SINGLE being more powerful than him... but the right team up of misfits can turn the blah blah blah

You have written and entire article taking offense at an entirely imagined slight against the Japanese people. Are you Japanese? No, right? Do you have experience or understanding of Japanese culture? If so you are not giving the impression.

It would be very helpful for you to explain what innate magical connection and ownership of feudal Japanese culture that a modern Japanese has that an American who can read books does not.

Lots of people use a nom de plume.

I didn’t think it was bad. I rather enjoyed it (S1 more than S2, however.)

Now playing

The movie of course has the potential to be great. But also:

This looks really bad. Like really bad. Maybe I can’t appreciate it because I’ve never read the book. But this trailer doesn’t make me want to see this movie.

I’m a bit concerned.

Not with the fact that Meg & Charles Wallace are now biracial. That’s fine (although the fact that the boy has literally no dialogue in the trailer is a bit disconcerting... he’s a big part of the book).

But there’s a lot I simply don’t recognize from the book at all, and much of it seems solely

Here’s my reaction to the trailer after going through your article:

Agreed. Each of the trailers that have been released have been greeted with extremely fawning praise, but as someone who hasn’t read the book all I can think is “oh, this looks like a generic YA disney movie.” It doesn’t look bad by any stretch, but the bloggers who rush to highlight the trailers make it sound like

I’m into the visuals. But the dialogue . . . the word “warrior” seems to be tossed around a lot in this. It’s a word that evokes a particular mood, and it’s not a mood I associate with the book at all. Like, I don’t want A Wrinkle In Time to be Braveheart.

“Generic” is not nearly a strong enough negative to describe this.

You are spot on, I lived in a city with an EA office that was there just for QA contract work and I met so many people who would tell me they worked for EA and then when I asked what they did it came out that they were QA contractors. This is like saying you work for Warren Buffet if you work for the company that

It’s fucking incredible how often this debunked argument gets brought up (talking about the original poster, obviously not yours). It makes the poster look like an idiot 9 year old.

This just in. People eventually die, but getting shot often seems to speed up that process.

But did you see green shirt’s double knockdown at 0:12?

Grey and Blue knows how to throw a punch. Orange guy does some weird downward chop like he’s a silver screen damsel-in-distress fighting off the evil Count Rupert. Green Shirt throws haymakers and White shirt only knows how to wrestle and not very well. I think you’ve gotta score Notre Dame for the win on this one,

Hmmm... not exactly true.

So a teenage girl pretended to be a man in his 30's on the internet.

The Straight Black men who are the white people of black people did not make the list? Why? It would have made for better click bait instead of Bernie Sanders, Damon.