
When you show your ass over making sure as many people as possible stay alive, actively try to make people’s lives worse, or simp for causes that donate to causes that make people’s lives worse, you’re goddamn fucking right I’m a hate filled creature.

Honestly that can be said for most of these real tall folks though.  The taller you are the short you live.  Your body is just not meant to get that big

I want it.

Honestly, I never loved Bungie’s Halo, even - I played the first two, but they were never my ‘favorites’. Destiny just clicks for me, for whatever reason; Titanfall’s the only other sci-fi shooter that even comes close. Hell, I remember trying to go back to Borderlands* after the first Destiny came out, and just being

If there’s one thing that Bungie has been known for since Halo: Combat Evolved, it’s that they are extremely talented in making the core combat loop fun. With Halo, it was a simple combination of movement, gunplay, and AI. Now with Destiny, you can add traversal/platforming, abilities, and incredibly unique weapons to

The thing about Destiny’s grind is that the game’s really only as grind-y as you want it to be: take this specific mechanic, for example. The point is to let you try for a certain weapon with a certain, specific bonus - like faster reload time after a headshot. You don’t ‘need’ that specific bonus to progress

You just never quit, do you? Took out Trump. Woke up the socialists. And now half of what I hear in the street is how you and the left are making a difference. 

Do I get to pick which class I get to be if I enlist?

Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the Republicans on Twitter. So let’s get to taking out their accounts, one by one. @realDonaldTrump. From what I can gather, he commands the MAGA Trolls from a golf cart just outside of Mar-A-Lago. He’s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch

This is a just a colossal waste of money. While there are so many people suffering in the streets we’ve got to remember that whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let’s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta’aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege

I assume that any good weapons or equipment that is developed for use by these ‘Guardians’ is going to get nerfed ?

This was fascinating and illuminating. Glad Deadspin is sticking so closely to sports like this.

“The game is fundamentally broken if the Warriors offense would improve by leaps and bounds if Draymond Green, a 69 percent free throw shooter, shot two free throws every possession and Stephen Curry never touched the ball.” A certain Kyle Wagner of the New York Daily News argues persuasively that the D-League’s new

All the teams thinking of signing him now have cold feet. 

And yet if we’re familiar with an NFL ref’s name, it’s likely because we’re fascinated by his Carl Weather’s in the 80's level jacked up biceps.

Better Than Ezra had like, what? 2 songs? And one of them wasn’t even that good. The singer looked like Brian Krakow from My So Called Life in the video for Good. Now he looks like Dennis Reynolds.

Ben Folds Five was the most underrated 90's band. Fight me.

I think the best scenario is that Durant makes a fatal mistake in Game 7 to lose the Finals and then we skip ahead five years and Durant has given up and gotten fat and Green has to come to his hut and convince him to come back and help them make one last title run together. And Green will bring a raccoon to the hut.

It also helps that Kerr is infinitely likable compared to Belichick.

Some blacklight posters, maybe a lava lamp.

I think we’re all agreed that Steph’s mom is much hotter than Seth’s mom?