
Your family’s bullshit pipe dream is not superior by virtue of the fact they were here “earlier”. And because you were quite possibly a consequence of their good fortune, why don’t you shut the fuck up, count your blessings and call it a day. There is more than enough for everyone, asshole. This country is far from

Legally, sure. But there is a moral (and practical) issue here. If an immigrant was born in the US, or has been living in the US for years as a productive member of society, isn’t it just a bit inhumane to disrupt that person’s life in such an extreme way? And, as a practical matter, how do we benefit economically

Yep, Franken has charisma and political skills but I don’t think he wants to be put through the meat grinder of running for President or, more importnatly, put his family through it. I would happily campaign for him, caucus for him and vote for him.

How can the Republican bench be strong with their president at 36% and falling? No.

We have to address voter suppression and gerrymandering. It’s the actual reason for all the losing. I mean, more votes but fewer congressional members?? That’s a voting problem, not a policy or candidate problem.

No. I’m not an extremist. I just don’t like misogyny. Bernie was an okay candidate who lost because it was clear 1. no detailed plans 2. had a problem with racism and sexism. The ground was thick with dog whistles.

Now though? I believe I actually hate Bernie.

I’m not 100% on my recollection because at the time it was an innocuous comment but I was listening to the basketball analogy podcast episode after the game and I think someone mentioned it smelled like skunk and someone else mentioned they didn’t know what skunk smelled like. I don’t know if they were anywhere near

No, he’s not. There were TWO bills. Booker didn’t vote yes on Bernie’s bill but another one. Then, Bernie, who is clearly the pettiest person ever, told everyone he was in Big Pharm’s pocket. But he voted yes on the other bill.

That is the face of the man who did the most to compromise the progressive movement for the next two generations. He should be booed off every stage he stands on from now until the day he dies.

Lebron should join the warriors and go for 82-0

Oh yeah? Well *I* root for the KNICKS!!!

Yes! I live in (much bluer than you’d expect) Vinings, and Stacey Abrams has my vote! Just wish I lived a few miles to the east so I could also vote for Jon Ossoff!

Let’s never forget that a few years ago Wayne Brady said he would beat Maher’s ass in public if he saw that man.

I was in the Philippines drunk on Red Horse beer and even I knew it was not a good idea to say the n-word as a white person when singing karaoke. I just don’t see any non-racist reason to use the word no matter who is around.

It’s two-thousand goddamn seventeen and there’s a white dude who still doesn’t get that whether you spell it with an “er” or an “a”, WHITE PEOPLE DON’T GET TO USE THE MOTHER FUCKING N-WORD. EVER. JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY.

I feel like this entire exchange should be enough to make white people not want to chime in with some excuses, and just side step and get their boy.

Unless LeBron hulks out and somehow manages to completely erase either Curry and Durant from the game, one of them will be able to work for an open shot every single time down the floor.

I enjoyed Mark Jackson assuring viewers that “these are two of the best defenses in the league.”

There’s no defense for what Erdogan is doing to Kanter. And if there’s anything Kanter understands, it’s that.

Cavs attempted 25 FTs, Warriors only got 16 attempts, not a single foul called on Curry even though there was clearly contact after a couple shots/layups, Lebron went to the line for 12 attempts. Iggy got away with a couple swipes across the arms but other than that I’m really having a hard time thinking of what you