
The kid has to learn to take a Pedigree properly if he ever wants to make it in the world.

No can will ever be able to convince me that Buddy Hield grabbing Boogie’s balls a while back was anything other than a message from the Testicle-Gods of what was to come

I put this just below the Nets for dumbest trade in recent memory, maybe ever.

Anything to get out of a place that would trade back for Tyreke Evans

OK, I totally get why a military plane might be on a chemtrail run, but this doesn’t seem like the appropriate time for it.

Every single Republican, and I am not just talking politicians, but regular people too, who doesn’t, at the very least, back away slowly from this lunatic, is a traitor to this country. That sounds like hyperbole, I know, but it isn’t.

when you join you get some nice hand towels that you must never ever use, as they are for guests only

Big deal, warriors overthrew kings all the time throughout history. Warriors will beat Kings three times this year; the Praetorian Guard overthrew three emperors in 193.

Stupid millenials who think they know everything. Get the hell off my lawn. But stay if you want to hear my theory on how Mexicans damage our water

Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.

I wonder how many folks will take a swing at this and miss the implicit message; my guess is that the number will be fairly low, given that the initial audience is likely to be comprised primarily of folks who were already on board with the message the parody is trying to send—but still.

As for the existential

When I lived in the District the most egregious, zero fucks given drivers out there where almost always MD plates.

It is frustrating to watch, but I do believe the organization should shoulder more of the blame than he should. Evidence: Team USA. Put him around the right people and with other pieces, and he was nothing but productive. Yes, Team USA was ridiculously loaded and had some of the best coaching minds ever. But

As great as Cousins is, there’s a point where his inconsistency is his fault, not the coaches, media, and ownership. For some reason, we’re supposed to believe that other people make him lose focus for minutes at a time and have multiple bad relationships.

Cousins went 13 for 30. But by ‘best self’ if you’re meaning he didnt get ejected, then that makes more sense.

I’m gonna build a space ship to Alpha Centauri and make Carthage pay for it.

shit man, thanks for the heads up

Go Falcons.

Sadly, my local ESPN station (104.5 WTMM, Albany, NY (not actually in Albany, but if I said Mechanicville everybody would be “Where the fuck is that?”, and I’d say it’s a shithole north of Albany) no longer broadcasts Dan Le Batard because they have a local show from 10-12, and then a “local” show (Hahn and Humpty

Exactly as MLK warned us about in “Letter from A Birmingham Jail”: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice;

The Lebatard Show is consitently the smartest, dumbest, most entertaining show on radio